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All abstracts by Michael L. Machesky in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2013) Modeling of TiO2 Nanoparticles Interactions with Water and Ions
Kubicki J, Sung-Yup K, van Duin A, Ridley M, Machesky M, Hummer D & Kent P

(2013) Hot CD-MUSIC
Machesky M, Wesolowski D, Ridley M, Predota M, Zhang Z, Fenter P & Kubicki J

(2013) Surface Complexation Modeling of Cation Adsorption by TiO2 Nanoparticles
Ridley M, Machesky M & Kubicki J

(2013) An Integrated Approach to Build Surface Complexation Models for Chromate on Iron Oxides
Chrysochoou M, Kabengi N, Machesky M, Johnston C & Kubicki J

(2012) Ion Adsorption on Nanocrystalline Anatase Surfaces: Integrating Experimental and Theoretical Studies Through Surface Complexation Modeling
Ridley M, Kubicki J & Machesky M

(2012) Surface Complexation Modeling of Na+ and Rb+ Adsorption by Rutile to 250℃
Machesky ML, Predota M, Ridley M & Wesolowski D

(2012) Temperature, Charge and Radius Dependence of Mulitvalent Cation Adsorption on Rutile (TiO2) in Aqueous 1:1 Electrolytes
Wesolowski D, Machesky M, Ridley M & Predota M

(2011) Electrokinetic Properties of the Rutile/Water Interface: Zeta-Potential Prediction from Computer Simulations
Predota M, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & Cummings P

(2011) Influence of Interfacial Water Structure on Surface Protonation and Ion Adsorption at Metal Oxide Surfaces
Machesky M, Wesolowski D, Vlcek L, Mamontov E, Kent P, Predota M, Rosenqvist J, Ridley M, Cummings P, Kubicki J, Sofo J, Kumar N, Lvov S, Bandura A, Fenter P & Zhang Z

(2011) A Comparison of the Reactivity at the Solid-Solution Interface of Nano- and Micro-Crystalline TiO2 Phases
Ridley M, Machesky M & Kubicki J

(2011) Challenges to Predicting the Fate of Emerging Classes of Organic Micropollutants in Subsurface Environments
Strathmann T, Machesky M, Finneran K & Paul T

(2010) Molecular Simulations of Electrokinetic Phenomena at the Solid-Liquid Interface
Predota M, Wesolowski DJ, Machesky ML & Cummings PT

(2010) Imaging Ion Adsorption with Total External Reflection X-Ray Standing Waves
Kohli V, Fenter P, Libera J, Elam J, Liu C, Rosenqvist J, Bedzyk M, Machesky M & Wesolowski D

(2010) Adsorption of Strontium at Nano- and Micro-Crystalline Titanium-Dioxide Interfaces: Interpreting Surface Speciation Using Charge Distribution and the MUSIC Model
Ridley MK, Machesky ML & Wesolowski DJ

(2010) On the Temperature Dependence of Mineral Surface Protonation and Ion Adsorption Reactions
Wesolowski DJ, Machesky ML, Lvov SN, Predota M, Ridley MK & Cummings PT

(2010) Towards an Accurate Prediction of Surface Protonation Equilibria: Quantifying Interfacial Structure via the Bond Valence-MUSIC Model Framework
Machesky M, Predota M, Vlcek L, Rosenqvist J, Skelton A, Cummings P, Ridley M, Kubicki J, Sofo J, Kumar N, Bandura A & Wesolowski D

(2009) Atomistic Origins of Mineral-Water Interfacial Phenomena and their Relation to Surface Complexation Models
Wesolowski DJ, Bandura AV, Cummings PT, Fenter PA, Kubicki JD, Lvov SN, Machesky ML, Mamontov E, Predota M, Ridley MK, Rosenqvist J, Sofo JO, Vlcek L & Zhang Z

(2009) Surface Speciation of Yttrium at the Rutile-Water Interface: Incorporation of Structural Information and Charge Distribution within the MUSIC Model
Ridley M, Hiemstra T, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & van Riemsdijk W

(2008) Nanocrystalline Anatase-Electrolyte Solution Interface: A Surface Structural Interpretation with the MUSIC and CD Models
Ridley M & Machesky M

(2008) Surface Properties of Nanosize Oxides by High Temperature Electrophoresis
Rodriguez-Santiago V, Fedkin M, Rosenqvist J, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & Lvov S

(2007) The Rutile (110)-Electrolyte Solution Interface to 250C: A Surface Complexation Synthesis of Titration, ab Initio, MD and X-Ray Spectroscopic Results
Machesky M, Ridley M, Wesolowski D, Palmer D, Predota M, Vlcek L, Kubicki J, Sofo J, Bandura A & Zhang Z

(2007) Surface Charge, Ion Adsorption and Molecular Dynamics at the alfa-Sno2/water Interface
Rosenqvist J, Vlcek L, Mamontov E, Machesky M, Cummings P & Wesolowski D

(2007) Adsorption and Dynamics of Ions at Rutile and Cassiterite Surfaces
Predota M, Vlcek L, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & Cummings P

(2007) Surface Structural Modeling at the Solid-Solution Interface of Nanocrystalline Anatase
Ridley M, Machesky M, Blom D, Allard L & Hackley V

(2005) Modeling Zn2+ Adsorption at the Rutile-Water Interface to Hydrothermal Conditions
Machesky M, Wesolowski D, Fenter P, Zhang Z & Kubicki J

(2005) Surface Charge Development at the Interface of Nanocyrstalline-Anatase and Aqueous Solutions
Ridley M, Machesky M & Hackley V

(2005) Structure of Zn2+ at Rutile TiO<->2<$> (110)-Aqueous Solution Interface
Zhang Z, Fenter P, Kelly S, Catalano J, Kubicki J, Bandura A, Wesolowski D, Machesky M, Sturchio N & Bedzyk M

(2004) Ion Adsorption at the Rutile-Water Interface to Hydrothermal Conditions
Machesky M, Wesolowski D, Ridley M, Palmer D, Fenter P, Zhang Z, Kubicki J & Predota M

(2003) Surface Charge Phenomena of Nano-Crystalline Anatase
Ridley M, Machesky M, Hackley V, Finnegan M & Banfield J

(2002) The Influence of Temperature on Ion Adsorption Phenomena
Machesky M, Ridley M, Wesolowski D & Palmer D

(2001) Solubility and Surface Adsorption Characteristics of Metal Oxides to High Temperature
Wesolowski DJ, Machesky ML, Ziemniak SE, Xiao C, Palmer DA, Anovitz LM & Bénézeth P

(2001) Rutile Surface Charge and Ion Adsorption Studies to 250℃
Ridley MK, Machesky ML, Wesolowski DJ & Palmer DA

(2001) ??Probing the Ionic Strength Dependence of Zn2+ and Sr2+ Ion Adsorption at the Rutile/Aqueous Interface Using X-Ray Standing Waves
Zhang Z, Cheng L, Fenter P, Sturchio NC, Bedzyk MJ, Machesky ML & Wesolowski DJ

(2000) Surface Complexation Modelling of the Adsorption of Ca(II) and Nd(III) at the Rutile-Water Interface to 250 C
Ridley M, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & Palmer D

(2000) Probing the Electrical Double-Layer Structure at the Rutile-Water Interface with X-Ray Standing Waves
Fenter P, Cheng L, Machesky ML, Bedzyk MJ & Sturchio NC

(2000) On the Temperature Dependence of Intrinsic Surface Protonation Equilibrium Constants: An Extension of the Revised MUSIC Model
Machesky M, Wesolowski D, Palmer D & Ridley M

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