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All abstracts by John Lupton in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2018) Gas Chemistry of Bubble Plumes and Gas Hydrates along the Cascadia Margin
Lupton J, Baumberger T, Embley R & Merle S

(2016) Helium Isotope Variations along Southern California Fault Zones
Lupton J, Lilley M, Boles J & Evans L

(2016) New Hydrothermal Vents Discovered along the Mariana Back-Arc Spreading Center
Baumberger T, Lupton J, Resing J, Chadwick W, Butterfield D, Baker E, Walker S & Merle S

(2015) Helium, Carbon, Trace Metals, and Radiogenic Isotopes in the Northern Lau and North Fiji Basins
Lupton J, Rubin K, Arculus R, Price A & Jackson M

(2015) Composition within and between Tonga Arc/Lau Basin Backarc Eruptions Reveal Wide Variety of Parent Melts Linked to Eruption Styles
Rubin K, Michael P, Jenner F, Clague D, Glancy S, Hellebrand E, Arculus R, Gill J, Todd E, Lupton J & Embley R

(2013) Helium Isotope and C/3He Signatures in the Northern Lau Basin: Distinguishing Arc, Backarc, and Hotspot Affinities
Lupton J, Lilley M, Butterfield D, Resing J, Arculus R, Rubin K, Graham D, Keller N, Baker E & Embley R

(2013) Timescale and Petrogenesis of 2009 and Older W. Mata Boninite Magmas
Rubin K, Michael P, Gill J, Clague D, Plank T, Escrig S, Glancy S, Todd E, Cooper L, Keller N, Soule A, Hellebrand E, Kelley K, Cottrell L, Jenner F, Arculus R, Ruprecht P, Lupton J, Langmuir C & Embley R

(2011) Isotopic Variations in Mafic Volcanic Rocks from the Western Branch of the East African Rift
Graham D, Furman T, Blichert-Toft J, Lupton J, Ebinger C & Rogers N

(2011) Distinguishing Arc, Backarc, and Hotspot Affinities Using Helium Isotope and C/3He Ratios
Lupton J, Resing J, Lilley M, Butterfield D, Keller N, Arculus R, Baker E & Embley R

(2010) Helium and Carbon Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Fluids on the Southern East Pacific Rise at 11-32 ˚S
Hamasaki H, Ishibashi J-I, Ueno Y, Lupton J & Ohmoto H

(2009) Helium Isotopes: From Mantle Degassing to Ocean Circulation
Lupton J

(2009) Hydrothermal Systems and Recent Eruptive Activity in the Northern Lau Basin, South Pacific Ocean
Lupton J, Resing J, Arculus R, Lilley M, Embley R, Baker E, Butterfield D, Nakamura K-I, Crowhurst P & Greene R

(2009) Volatiles in the Loki's Castle and Jan Mayen Vent Fields of the Ultra-Slow Spreading Knipovich and Mohns Ridges
Lilley M, Pedersen R, Thorseth I, Lupton J, Olson E, Freuh-Green G & Baumberger T

(2008) The Abiotic Production of Hydrocarbons at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Proskurowski G, Lilley M, Seewald J, Früh-Green G, Olson E, Lupton J, Sylva S & Kelley DS

(2006) Submarine hydrothermal activity along the mid-Kermadec arc, New Zealand: Large-scale effects on venting
De Ronde CEJ, Baker ET, Massoth GJ, Lupton JE, Wright IC, Sparks RJ, Walker SL, Greene RR, Bannister SC, Reyners ME, Ishibashi J & Faure K

(2001) Submarine Hydrothermal Venting Associated with an Active Arc Front: Southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand
de Ronde CEJ, Massoth GJ, Baker ET & Lupton JE

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