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All abstracts by Andrew Love in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2014) Solute and Isotope Tracers of Regional Flow Systems in the Western Great Artesain Basin, Australia
Shand P, Love A & Priestley S

(2014) Dating Groundwater in the Western Great Artesain Basin, Australia
Love A, Purtschert R, Shand P, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Tosaki Y, Fulton S, Wohllng D, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Broder L & Kipfer R

(2014) Extreme Geochemical Environments in Mound Springs of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Shand P, Love A, Gotch T, Raven M, Grocke S, Kirby J & Scheiderich K

(2012) Dating Old Groundwater by Multiple Tracers Including Krypton 81
Love A, Purtschert R, Lu Z-T, Fulton S, Shand P, Jiang W, Mueller P, Yang G-M, Wohling D, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Broder L, Kipfer R, Priestley S, Gueutin P & Tosaki Y

(2011) Palaeoclimate Record from Groundwater of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Bröder L, Purtschert R, Love A, Fulton S, Wohling D & Aeschbach-Hertig W

(2007) Constraining Groundwater Residence Times in a Fractured Aquifer Using Noble Gas Isotopes
Purtschert R, Love A & Beyerle U

(2002) Kr81 Calibration of Cl36- and He4-evolution in the Western Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Lehmann B, Purtschert R, Love A, Kutschera W, Beyerle U & Frape S

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