All abstracts by John S Loring in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2011) Enzymatic and Abiotic Hydrolysis of Glucose Phosphate Adsorbed on GoethiteOlsson R, Giesler R, Loring JS & Persson P
(2010) Hydrolysis of Desferrioxamine-B at the Surface of Goethite in the Dark at pH 6
Simanova AA, Persson P & Loring JS
(2010) Carbonation of Forsterite Exposed to Water-Saturated Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Loring J, Wang Z, Thompson C, Joly A, Sklarew D, Rosso K & Felmy A
(2009) Time-resolved Oxalate Speciation at the Surface of Gibbsite (α-Al(OH)3) Using Infrared Spectroscopy
Hellström A, Loring JS & Persson P
(2009) Macroscopic and Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of the Dissolution of Goethite in the Presence of Desferrioxamine-B
Simanova A, Persson P & Loring J
(2008) Arsenate Forms Monodenate Complexes at the Surface of Goethite
Loring J, SandStröm M, Norén K & Persson P
(2007) Modeling Glyphosate and Metal-Glyphosate Speciation at Solution-Mineral Interfaces
Jonsson C, Loring J, Persson P & Sjöberg S
(2007) Macroscopic and Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of the Synergistic Effect between Small Organic Ligands and desferrioxamine-B on the Dissolution of Goethite
Simanova A, Persson P & Loring J
(2007) Molecular Scale Study of the Synergism between Oxalate and desferrioxamine-B on Goethite Dissolution
Loring J, Simanova A & Persson P
(2005) Citrate Adsorption at the Water-Goethite Interface: A Spectroscopic Evaluation of Surface Complexes
Lindegren M, Loring J, Redden G & Persson P
(2004) Combined Infrared and Potentiometric Titrations of Mineral Suspensions
Loring J, Sjöberg S & Persson P
(2004) Competitive Adsorption of Phosphate and Organic Acids: A Quantitative and Spectroscopic Approach
Kaski M, Loring J & Persson P