All abstracts by Yan Liang in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Mixing Loops, Mixing Envelopes, and Scattered Correlations Produced by Mixing of Melts Derived from a Spatially Heterogeneous MantleLiang Y
(2021) Mixing Loops and Scattered Correlations Produced by Mixing of Melts Derived from a Spatially Heterogenous Mantle
Liang Y
(2020) What can We Learn from REE Abundances in Clinopyroxene and Orthopyroxene in Residual Spinel Peridotites?
Liang Y, Ji Z & Liu B
(2020) An Experimental Study of REE and HFSE Partitioning between Low-Ca Pyroxene and Parental Melts of Martian Shergottite Meteorites
Acquadro J & Liang Y
(2019) A Simple Model for Trace Element Fractionation during Decompression Melting of a Spatially and Lithologically Heterogeneous Mantle
Liang Y
(2019) Styles of Eclogite Melt and Peridotite Reaction in the Lithospheric Mantle: An Experimental Study
Wang C, Lo Cascio M, Liang Y & Xu W
(2018) A 2D Double-Porosity Ridge Model Constrained by Observations
Liu B & Liang Y
(2018) A Simple Model for REE Diffusion in Silicate Minerals and Melts
Liang Y & Cherniak D
(2017) The Fate of Heterogeneous Blobs during Melting and Melt Migration in an Upwelling Mantle
Liang Y & Liu B
(2017) Parameterized Lattice Strain Models for HFSE Partitioning between Amphibole and Silicate Melt with Application to Arc Magma Evolution
Shimizu K, Liang Y & Hauri E
(2017) Formation of Dunite-Harzburgite-Lherzolite-Plagioclase Lherzolite Sequences by Multiple Episodes of Melt Migration and Melt-Rock Reaction
Dygert N, Liang Y & Kelemen P
(2016) Formation of Orthopyroxenite-Dunite Assemblage by Hydrous Melt-Peridotite Interaction: An Experimental Study
Wang C, Liang Y & Xu W
(2016) Parameterized Lattice Strain Models for REE Partitioning between Amphibole and Silicate Melt
Shimizu K, Liang Y, Sun C, Jackson C & Saal A
(2015) Reaction between MORB Magma and Lower Oceanic Crust: An Experimental Study
Yang AY, Lissenberg CJ & Liang Y
(2015) HFSE Partitioning in Pyroxenes and Olivine: Parameterized Models with Implications to HFSE Fractionation in the Upper Mantle
Sun C & Liang Y
(2014) Crystallization Temperatures of Lunar FANs Revealed by a New REE-in-Plagioclase-Clinopyroxene Thermometer
Sun C & Liang Y
(2014) Time Scales of Diffusive Re-equilibration in Bi-Mineralic Systems
Liang Y
(2014) Ti Diffusion in Olivine
Cherniak D & Liang Y
(2012) A Two-Lithology Model for Melting and Melt Migration in an Upwelling and Chemically Heteogeneous Mantle
Liang Y
(2011) Waves, Channels, and Diffusive Porous Flow: Geochemical Implications for Melt Migration in an Upwelling Heterogeneous Mantle
Liang Y & Schiemenz A
(2010) Grain Growth and Dissolution during Crystal-Melt Interaction
Liang Y, Xia Y & Bons P
(2010) The Distribution of REE between Diopside and Basaltic Melt along a Mantle Adiabat: A Coupled Major and Trace Element Study
Sun C & Liang Y
(2008) Diffusion-Modified Volatile Contents in Melt Inclusions: Evidence for Open System Behavior
Nagle AN, Koleszar AM, Saal AE, Liang Y, Hauri EH & Kurz MD
(2007) Effects of Source Heterogeneity and Upwelling Rate on Trace Element Distribution during Mantle Melting
Liang Y