All abstracts by Markus Lenz in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Plant and Microbial Contribution to Metal Mobilization from a Technosol Developed on Waste DumpPotysz A, Pędziwiatr A, Kierczak J, Hedwig S & Lenz M
Costa LC, Keiser R, Lehmann MF, Alewell C & Lenz M
(2021) Bacterial Selenium Methylation in Sulfur Dominated Environments
Martinez M, Liu Y & Lenz M
(2020) Membrane Based Scandium Extraction from Industrial Waste
Hedwig S, Constable EC & Lenz M
(2019) Selective Scandium Recovery from Complex Wastes by Nanofiltration
Hedwig S, Remmen K, Wintgens T, Constable E & Lenz M
(2013) Microbial Mobilization of Arsenic for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soils
Rajpert L, Drewniak Ł, Skłodowska A & Lenz M
(2013) Release of Engineered Nanomaterials from Flexible Thin-Film Photovoltaic Cells
Zimmermann Y-S, Schäffer A, Corvini PF-X & Lenz M
(2013) Volatilization of Methylated Selenium, Sulfur and Arsenic from a Wetland
Vriens B, Berg M, Charlet L, Lenz M & Winkel LHE
(2013) Colloidal Properties of Biomineralized Nanoselenium: Implications for Bioremediation, Resource Recovery and Environmental Transport
Bielser JM, Evangelou M, Winkel L & Lenz M
(2013) Release of Antimony from Contaminated Soil Induced by Redox Changes
Hockmann K, Tandy S, Lenz M & Schulin R
(2012) Mobility of Antimony in Soils Under Changing Redox Conditions
Hockmann K, Tandy S, Lenz M & Schulin R
(2012) Biomineralization of Selenium: Proteins as the Reason for Altered Colloidal Stability of Nanoparticle Suspensions
Buchs B, Evangelou MWH, Corvini PFX & Lenz M
(2011) Characterization of Biomineralized Selenium Solid Phases by XAFS Spectroscopy
Lenz M, Van Hullebusch E, Farges F & Corvini P
(2010) The "Bio" in Biominerals – Identification of Proteins Associated to Microbially Produced Selenium Particles
Lenz M, Kolvenbach B, Gygax B, Moes S & Corvini P
(2009) Biological Selenium Remediation – A Simple Process Complicated
Lenz M, Van Hullebusch E, Farges F, Corvini P & Lens P