All abstracts by Christian Lathe in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2011) Measuring the Elastic Properties Under Simulated Earth's Mantle ConditionsMueller HJ, Lauterjung J, Schilling FR, Lathe C & Wehber M
(2011) Spinels Under Elevated Pressures and Temperatures – A Synchrotron Study
Wehber M, Lathe C & Schilling F
(2009) Grain Boundary Diffusion Rates Dependence Upon Water Activity in High Pressure Experiments
Gasc J, Brunet F, Corvisier J, Verlaguet A, Findling N & Lathe C
(2007) In situ X-Ray Synchrotron High-Pressure Measurements of Magnetite
Wehber M, Lathe C & Schilling FR