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All abstracts by Doug LaRowe in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Source or Sink? Evaluating CO2 Fluxes from Urban Hardscape Surfaces
Ashley K, Berelson WM, LaRowe D & West AJ

(2016) The Energetics of Anabolism in Natural Settings
LaRowe D & Amend J

(2014) Energy Limits on Microbial Life: Growth, Maintenance, Persistence
LaRowe D & Amend J

(2014) Life Underground: Energetics and Microbial Diversity in a Gold Mine
Osburn M, Momper L, Larowe D & Amend J

(2013) Geochemical Evolution and Bioenergetic Potential of Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Fluids from Panarea Island (Italy)
LaRowe DE, Price RE & Amend JP

(2010) Modeling Horizontal Gene Transfer in Porous Media: Implications for Contaminated Ground Waters
LaRowe D, Shafei B & Van Cappellen P

(2009) A Thermodynamic-Kinetic Model for Organic Matter Degradation in Marine Sediments
LaRowe D, Arndt S & Van Cappellen P

(2009) Methane Efflux from Marine Sediments: Kinetic, Microbial and Bioenergetic Controls
Regnier P, Dale A, Larowe D, Arndt S, Mogollon J & Van Cappellen P

(2008) The Abiotic Synthesis of Nucleosides, Nucleotides and RNA in Hydrothermal Systems
LaRowe D, Dale A & Regnier P

(2007) Hydrothermal Stability of Adenine Under Controlled Fugacities of N2, CO2 and H2
Franiatte M, Richard L, Elie M, Nguyen-Trung C, Perfetti E & LaRowe D

(2007) Thermodynamic Potential for the Abiotic Synthesis of Nucleobases, Ribose, and Deoxyribose Under Submarine Hydrothermal Conditions
LaRowe D & Regnier P

(2007) Systematic Thallium Isotope Variation in Fe-Mn Crusts: A Proxy for Changes in Ocean Chemistry?
Nielsen S, Klemm V, LaRowe D, Halliday A & Hein J

(2005) Thermodynamic Analysis of Microbial Metabolism in Hydrothermal Systems
LaRowe D & Helgeson H

(2004) Thermodynamic Analysis of Microbial Energy Production and Consumption in the Deep Biosphere
LaRowe D & Helgeson H

(2004) Toward Calculation of the Thermodynamic Stabilities of Proteins in the Deep Biosphere
Dick J, Larowe D & Helgeson H

(2001) Thermodynamic and Chemical Constraints on the Biotic and Abiotic Synthesis of Biomacromolecules
Helgeson HC, LaRowe DE & Dick JM

(2000) Thermodynamic Calculation of the Relative Stabilities of Enzymes, DNA, and Other Biomacromolecules Under Extreme Conditions of Temperature and pH
Helgeson HC, Afonso GJ & LaRowe DE

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