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All abstracts by Gero Kurat in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2007) Trace Element Fractionation during Exsolution of Garnet from Clinopyroxene in an Eclogite Xenolith from Obnazhennaya (Siberia)
Dobosi G, Kurat G, Wall F & Jeffries T

(2007) The Nature of the Arabian Lithospheric Mantle beneath Aritain Volcano, NE Jordan
Ntaflos T, Kurat G & Swoboda S

(2007) On the Primitivity of the Wild 2 Cometary Dust
Maurette M, Kurat G & Engrand C

(2006) Trace-element patterns of diamond: toward a unified genetic model
Griffin W, Rege S, O'Reilly S, Jackson S, Pearson N, Zedgenisov D & Kurat G

(2004) Sulfur Isotope Signatures of Sulfides from Boriskino CM Chondrite
Boctor N, Wang J, Alexander C, Hauri E, Kurat G & Nazarov M

(2003) Do Glasses in Achondritic Meteorites Share a Common Source?
Kurat G, Varela M, Zinner E & Brandstaetter F

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