All abstracts by Naresh Kumar in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Vivianite Oxidation and Dissolution: Mechanisms and RatesKraemer SM, Metz R, Kumar N & Schenkeveld WDC
(2024) Geochemical, Petrological and Field Evidences Unravelling the Origin of Nakora Granites: Insights into A-Type Magmatism and Crustal Dynamics in Western Rajasthan, India
. A & Kumar N
(2024) Deciphering DNA Survival in Bone Mineral: Physicochemical Mechanisms Controlling Long-Term Persistence
Singh VV, Kumar N, Kimber R & Kraemer SM
(2023) Effect of Biogenic Ligands and NOM on the Mobility of Fe and P from Vivianite Under Changing Redox Conditions
Metz R, Schenkeveld WDC, Kumar N & Kraemer SM
(2023) Experimental Evidence for Mass-Independent Fractionation of Even-Mass Mercury Isotopes Related to the Nuclear Volume Effect
Schwab L, Gallati N, Reiter SM, McLagan D, Biester H, Kumar N, Kimber R, Kraemer SM & Wiederhold JG
(2023) Exploring the Role of DNA-Mineral Interactions in the Long-Term Preservation of Ancient DNA
Singh VV, Kimber R, Kumar N & Kraemer SM
(2023) Mineralogical Controls over aDNA Recovery from Cave Sediments
Exler F, Fernandes DM, Kimber R, Oberreiter V, Sawyer SK, Kumar N, Pinhasi R & Kraemer SM
(2023) Mobilization of U from Noncrystalline U(IV) by Humic Substances Under Anoxic Conditions
Chardi KJ, Schenkeveld WDC, Kumar N, Giammar DE & Kraemer SM
(2023) Remobilization of Chromium by Organic Ligands in Paddy Soils
Wang W, Kistler A, Yadav A, Kumar N & Kraemer SM
(2022) Effect of Competing Complexing Cations and Humic Substances on Ligand-Induced Mobilization of Non-Crystalline U(IV) Under Anoxic Conditions
Chardi KJ, Schenkeveld WDC, Kumar N, Noël V, Giammar DE & Kraemer SM
(2022) Suitability of Vivianite as a Long-Term Phosphate Sink in Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems and the Effect of Metal Incorporation
Metz R, Kumar N, Schenkeveld WDC, Obst M & Kraemer SM
(2021) Speciation Influences Copper Mobilisation from Marine Sediments by the Chalcophore Methanobactin
Rushworth D, Kumar N, Noel V, van Helmond NAGM, Slomp CP, Lehmann MF, Schenkeveld WDC & Kraemer SM
(2021) Reclamation of Old and Partially Oxidized Tailings: Performance of Oxygen Barrier Covers
Dublet-Adli G, Pabst T, Breedveld G, Sætre C, Kumar N & Okkenhaug G
(2021) The Mechanism and Effect of Vivianite Oxidation on the Bioavailability of P and Fe
Metz R, Kumar N, Schenkeveld WDC & Kraemer SM
(2021) Remobilization of Uranium from a Bioreduced Field Sediment by Organic Ligands
Chardi KJ, Alvarez Salas M, Kumar N, Schenkeveld WDC, Noel V, Pjevac P, Giammar D & Kraemer SM
(2020) Redox Interfaces Produce Halos of Altered Biogeochemical Reactivity in Alluvial Groundwater Sediments
Boye K, Babey T, Kumar N, Noel V, Perzan Z, Engel M, Tolar B, Bargar J & Fendorf S
(2020) Formation and Stability of Colloids Driven by Reducing Conditions: Impact on Water Quality
Noël V, Kumar N, Engel M, Boye K, Brown G & Bargar J
(2020) Impact of Metal(loid) on Mineral Transformation during Sulfidation of Fe(III)-(oxyhydr)oxides
Kumar N, Noël V, Reinhold K & Kraemer S
(2019) Influence of Redox Interfaces on Arsenic Mobility
Kumar N, Boye K, Noel V, Planer-Friedrich B, Bargar J, Brown G & Fendorf S
(2018) Binding of Antimony to Natural Organic Matter in a Finnish Mine-Water Influenced Peatland
Besold J, Eberle A, Kujala K, Kumar N, Scheinost AC, Lezama Pacheco J, Fendorf S & Planer-Friedrich B
(2018) Behavior of As(III) and As(V) during Ferrihydrite Sulfidation
Kumar N, Noël V, Boye K, Besold J, Planer-Friedrich B, Fendorf S & Brown G
(2017) Fate of Arsenic during Sulfidation of FeIII-(oxyhydr)oxides
Kumar N, Noël V & Brown G
(2017) Partitioning of Uranyl between Ferrihydrite and Humic Substances at Acidic and Circum-Neutral pH
Dublet G, Lezama Pacheco J, Bargar JR, Fendorf S, Kumar N, Lowry GV & Brown GE
(2015) Sulfidation Mechanism of Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles
Kumar N, Lezama Pacheco JS, Dublet G, Carabante JI & Brown G
(2015) Biogeochemistry of Natural and Engineered Nanomaterials: Characterization, Reactivity, Environmental Transformations, and Health Impacts
Brown, Jr. GE, Cismasu AC, Levard C, Michel FM, Dublet G, Kumar N, Wang Y, Morin G, Ma R & Lowry GV
(2012) Application of Iron Nanoparticles for Subsurface Remediation: Geochemical Interaction and Transfer
Kumar N, Kaifas D, Rose J, Labille J, Masion A, Doumenq P, Kvapil P & Bottero J-Y
(2010) Synergistic Use of ZVI and SRB in Groundwater Remediation: Impact on Metal Removal and Stability
Kumar N, Bastiaens L, Vanbroekhoven K, Millot R, Battaglia-Brunet F & Diels L
(2009) In situ Remediation: A Noble Approach for Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater
Kumar N, VanRoy S, Bastiaens L, Diels L & Vanbroekhoven K