All abstracts by Dmitrii A Kulik in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Embedding ‘Rich Chemistry’ into Reactive Transport Modeling of Hydrothermal SystemsKulik D
(2016) ThermAc: A Joint Project on Aquatic Actinide Chemistry and Thermodynamics at Elevated Temperature Conditions
Bosbach D, Altmaier M, Gaona X, Endrizzi F, Brendler V, Steudtner R, Franzen C, Tsushima S, Panak P, Skerencak-Frech A, Hagemann S, Brandt F, Krüger S, Colas E, Grive M, Thoenen T, Kulik D & Finkeldei S
(2015) Phase Equilibria in the System (Ba, Sr, Ra)SO4 + H2O
Vinograd V, Brandt F, Klinkenberg M, Weber J, Rozov K, Kulik D, Winkler B & Bosbach D
(2015) A New CSMP++GEM Reactive Transport Code
Yapparova A, Gabellone T, Whitaker F, Kulik D & Matthai S
(2015) Internally Consistent Thermodynamic Data for Aqueous Species in the Na-K-Al-Si-O-H-Cl System
Miron GD, Wagner T, Kulik DA & Heinrich CA
(2013) GEMS: Gibbs Energy Minimization Software for Geochemical Modeling
Kulik D, Dmytrieva S, Wagner T, Thoenen T & Berner U
(2013) Effects of Lead and Strontium on Radium Uptake by Barite: Atomistic Simulations and Thermodynamic Assessment
Rozov K, Vinograd V, Kulik D, Brandt F, Winkler B & Bosbach D
(2013) Modeling Non-Equilibrium Uptake of Se(IV) Upon Calcite Precipitation
Thien B, Heberling F & Kulik D
(2012) Partial-Equilibrium Concepts to Model Trace Element Uptake
Kulik D, Thien B & Curti E
(2012) Adding Uptake Kinetics and Surface Entrapment to Geochemical Models
Thien B, Kulik DA & Curti E
(2011) Consistent Treatment of Entropy, Enthalpy and Volume Effects of Multi-Dentate Adsorption Reactions
Kulik D & Lützenkirchen J
(2011) Development of an Aqueous Activity Model for Geothermal Conditions
Hingerl F, Wagner T, Kulik D, Kosakowski G & Driesner T
(2010) Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Influence of Thermodynamic Data and Activity Models on Predicted Mineral Precipitation-Dissolution Reactions
Hingerl FF, Wagner T, Kulik D, Driesner T, Kosakowski G & Thomsen K
(2010) Consistent Treatment of "Denticity" in Surface Complexation Models
Kulik D, Lützenkirchen J & Payne T
(2009) Solubility Measurements of Hydrotalcite-Like Solid Solutions
Rozov K, Berner U & Kulik D
(2007) Aqueous- Solid Solution Model of Strontium Uptake in C-S-H Phases
Kulik D, Tits J & Wieland E
(2004) Solid Solutions of Trace Eu(III) in Calcite: A Thermodynamic Study
Curti E, Kulik D & Tits J
(2004) Retrieval of Stoichiometry and Stability of Solid-Solution End Members by “Dual-Thermodynamic” Calculations
Kulik D, Curti E & Tits J
(2002) Ca-Al-Hydrates: Solid Solutions?
Berner UR & Kulik DA
(2002) Density Parameters in Thermodynamic Surface Complexation Models, Dmitrii A. Kulik
Kulik DA