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All abstracts by Eva Krupp in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2017) Inductively Coupled Plasma Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (ICP-Tofms) as a New Monitoring Tool for Nanoparticles and Trace Metals in the Environment
Tanner M, Borovinskaya O, Bussweiler Y, Gajdesechova Z, Raab A, Krupp E & Feldmann J

(2010) Arsenic Biovolatilization from Soil – A Global Phenomenon?
Mestrot A, Plantevin T, Hossain M, Islam R, Roman-Ross G, Krupp E, Feldmann J & Meharg A

(2009) Biovolatilisation of Arsenic: Validation of a Low Level, Field Deployable, Chemo-Trapping Technique
Mestrot A, Krupp E, Feldmann J & Meharg A

(2003) Fractionation of Mercury at the Molecular Level in Tuna and Whale from World Oceans: Potential and Limits of This Novel Approach to Assess Global Mercury Cycling
Donard O, Krupp E, Pecheyran C, Amouroux D & Fitzgerald W

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