All abstracts by Yousif K. Kharaka in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Overlying the Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, and Haynesville Shale Unconventional Oil and Gas Production Areas, USAMcMahon P, Barlow J, Engle M, Belitz K, Ging P, Hunt A, Kharaka Y, Jurgens B, Tollett R & Kresse T
(2012) Noble Gas Radionuclides in Yellowstone Geothermal Gases
Sturchio NC, Yokochi R, Purtschert R, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Mueller P, Lu Z-T, Kennedy BM & Kharaka Y
(2010) Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide: Potential Environmental Impacts of CO2-organic Interactions
Kharaka YK, Campbell P, Thordsen JJ, Thomas RB, Dole DR & Hovorka SD
(2009) 39Ar Measurements on Hydrothermal Fluids from Yellowstone National Park
Purtschert R, Yokochi R, Sturchio N, Kharaka Y & Thordsen J
(2009) Formation Fluids-CO2-Sediment Interactions: Minimizing Environmental Impacts of CO2 Storage
Kharaka Y, Cole D, Thordsen J, Kakouros E & Bullen T
(2007) Potential Environmental Issues of CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers: Geochemical Results from the Frio Brine Pilot Tests, Texas, USA
Kharaka Y, Thordsen J, Hovorka S, Cole D, Phelps T & Bullen T