All abstracts by Ronit Kessel in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Complexity of Volatiles in Ultramafic Planetary MantlesEconomon SE, Sverjensky DA, Gitler S, Kessel R & Pettke T
(2020) Modeling Garnet-Fluid Partitioning in H2O-Bearing Systems: a Primary Statistical Attempt to Extend the Crystal Lattice-Strain Theory to Hydrous Systems
Meltzer A & Kessel R
(2018) Mantle Metasomatism and Diamond-Forming Fluids
Navon O, Elazar O & Kessel R
(2018) Silicic Fluid Microinclusions in a Metasomatised Eclogite from Roberts Victor
Elazar O, Kessel R, Huang J-X & Navon O
(2011) Chromium Mobility in Hydrous Fluids at Upper Mantle Conditions
Klein-BenDavid O, Pettke T & Kessel R
(2008) The Character and Composition of Fluid in Equilibrium with Peridotite in Subduction Zones
Dvir O & Kessel R
(2005) Fluid and Melt Compositions Coexisting with Eclogite at High Pressure and Temperature
Kessel R, Schmidt M, Pettke T & Ulmer P
(2005) High-P-T Fluids in Diamond Trap Experiments Analyzed Frozen with LA-ICPMS: The Technique
Pettke T, Kessel R, Schmidt M & Ulmer P
(2004) Avoiding Chemical Segregation in Fluid-Saturated Experiments – A Rocking Multi-Anvil
Schmidt M, Kessel R & Melekhova E