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All abstracts by Martin Kennedy in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2017) Dating Deposition and Petroleum Migration from the Same Samples Using the Re/Os Geochronometer
Abbassi S, Kennedy M & Schaefer B

(2017) Trace Mineral Mapping is Key to Recognizing Black Shales as Dynamic Marine Systems
Kennedy M & LÖhr S

(2017) Metazoan Burrowing and Organic Carbon Burial in Black Shale
Löhr S & Kennedy M

(2015) Facies Associations and the Largest Neoproterozoic Carbon-Isotopic Anomalies
Klaebe R & Kennedy M

(2015) Seasonal Redox Oscillation and OC Enrichment in a Cold-Climate Organic Rich Rock
Debenham N, Kennedy M & Loehr S

(2015) Sapropels Were Reworked by Low-Oxygen Adapted Benthic Meiofauna
Löhr S & Kennedy M

(2015) Carbon Preservation as Organo-Mineral Nanocomposites Produced by Heterotrophic Microbes
Kennedy M, Loehr S & Baruch E

(2014) Carbon Burial Potential and Reduced Rates of Oxidation during Deposition; Mineral Surfaces and Anoxia in OAEs
Kennedy M, Wagner T & Stefan L

(2014) Sedimentological Constraints on the Bitter Springs δ13C Anomaly
Klaebe R, Kennedy M, Corrick A, Brocks J & Jarrett A

(2014) The First Crown Eukaryotic Biomarkers Emerge during the Bitter Springs Carbon Isotopic Anomaly
Brocks J, Jarrett A, Giorgioni M, Poulton S, Klaebe R, Kennedy M & Corrick A

(2014) Organomineral Nanocomposite Carbon Burial during Oceanic Anoxic Event II
Löhr S & Kennedy M

(2014) Microbial Reworking Helps Preserve Organic Matter in Sediments?
Löhr S, Kennedy M, Murphy M & Hall PA

(2013) A Combined Sedimentological and Biomarker Record Across the Neoproterozoic Bitter Springs Excursion
Giorgioni M, Jarrett A, Kennedy M & Brocks J

(2011) Terrestrialization of the Earth and its Influence on the Advent of Complex Life
Kennedy M

(2011) A Continental Amplifier for Marine Carbon Sequestration in a Greenhouse Ocean
Kennedy M & Wagner T

(2009) Methane Clathrate Destabilization in Equatorial Permafrost as a Trigger for Snowball Earth Deglaciation
Kennedy M & Mrofka D

(2006) Combining U-Th/He eruption age dating and 3He cosmogenic dating to constrain landscape evolution.
Aciego S, Lamb M, Depaolo D, Kennedy M & Dietrich W

(2005) Clay Mineral Control of Organic Carbon Deposition and Preservation in Petroleum Source Rocks
Kennedy M & Pevear D

(2002) Isotopic and Physical Stratigraphic Constraints of Neoproterozoic Cap Carbonate; Implications for Post Glacial Oceanographic Models and Weathering Rates
Kennedy M & Christie-Blick N

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