All abstracts by Simon J Kemp in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Evolution of Indian Summer Monsoon Dynamics over the Cenozoic: A Multi-Proxy Record from the Bay of BengalAnand P, Harris N & Kemp S
(2014) The Formation of Ikaite (CaCO3.6H2O) in Hyperalkaline Springs Associated with the Leaching of Lime Kiln Waste
Milodowski A, Rushton J, Purser G, Rochelle C, Kemp S, Shaw R & Ellis M
(2012) Organic Matter and Fe Oxide Coatings Reduce the Relevance of Laboratory Rates to Mineral Dissolution in Soil
Hodson M, Parry S, Kemp S & Oelkers E
(2009) Turning Rock into Soil – Variations in Soil Mineral Reactivity, Surface Area, and Porosity Through the Critical Zone
Parry SA, Hodson ME, Oelkers EH & Kemp SJ