All abstracts by Andrea Kassahun in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Biostimulation of Uranium Reducing Bacteria in Contaminated Mine Water for Bioremediation Purposes: Multidisciplinary Approach StudyNewman-Portela AM, Krawczyk-Bärsch E, Lopez-Fernandez M, Bok F, Kassahun A, Merroun ML & Raff J
(2021) Multidisciplinary Characterization of Mine Water from a Former Uranium Mine for Bioremediation Purposes
Newman-Portela AM, Krawczyk-Bärsch E, Lopez-Fernandez M, Bok F, Kassahun A, Raff J & Merroun ML
(2013) Experimental Study of Mineral-Microbial Interaction to Investigate the Effects of CO2 Storage
Kasina M, Morozova D, Pellizzari L, Kassahun A & Wuerdemann H
(2009) Determination of Active Microorganisms in the Gas Reservoir Altmark and their Role in CO2 Turnover
Gniese C, Krüger M, Frerichs J, Kassahun A, Hoth N & Seifert J
(2007) Hydrogen Generation at Clay Minerals of Sandstone Cements
Kassahun A, Hoffmann M & Hoth N
(2007) Fungal Transformation of Lignite in Overburden Dumps
Stiebitz E & Kassahun A