All abstracts by Simone Kasemann in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Li, Mg and Sr Isotope Compositions of Marine Carbonates from the Salitre Formation, Irecê Basin: Tracking Changes in Continental Weathering of the West Gondwana during the Late EdiacaranBedoya-Rueda C, Paula-Santos GM, Babinski M, Guacaneme C, Caetano-Filho S, Afonso J, Kasemann S & Trindade R
(2024) Strontium Isotope Ratios to Decipher Groundwater Sources in a Multi-Aquifer System
de Paula Marteleto T, Paula-Santos GM, de Abreu AES, Kasemann S & Enzweiler J
(2023) Multi-Isotope Chemostratigraphy of the Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Basin
Paula-Santos GM, Kasemann S, Elias EM, Bowyer F, Trindade R, Babinski M, Wood R & Leme J
(2017) Intercomparison of δ26Mg Values in Mg Isotope RMs and Standards to a New Isotope RM Traceable to the SI
Rosner M, Vogl J, Meixner A, Kasemann S, Rienitz O, Noordmann J, Schuessler J, Vocke R, Rabb S & Kraft R
(2017) Multi-Isotope Study on Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from an Early-Stage Hydrothermal System at Nifonea Volcano, New Hebrides Backarc
Wilckens FK, Meixner A, Koschinsky A, Kasemann SA & Bach W
(2017) Holocene Provenance Shift of Suspended Particulate Matter in the Amazon River Basin
Höppner N, Lucassen F, Chiessi CM, Sawakuchi AO & Kasemann SA
(2015) Ocean Acidification and the Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction: Process and Manifestation
Kasemann S, Wood R, Clarkson M, Lenton T, Daines S, Richoz S, Ohnemueller F, Meixner A, Poulton S & Tipper E
(2015) Continental Weathering and Earth System Response
Kasemann S, Pogge von Strandmann P, Prave A, Ohnemüller F, Fallick A, Elliott T & Hoffmann K-H
(2015) Nd Isotopes of Seabird Guano Reflect the Composition of Upwelling Waters off Northern Chile?– A Pilot Study
Lucassen F, Kasemann S, Wilke H, Vasquez P & Sepúlveda F
(2015) Boron and Lithium Isotope Compositions of Acid-Sulfate Fluids from the Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
Wilckens FK, Kasemann SA, Bach W, Reeves EP, Meixner A & Seewald JS
(2015) New Insight on Lithium and Boron Isotope Fractionation during Serpentinization Derived from Batch Reaction Investigations
Hansen C, Meixner A, Kasemann S & Bach W
(2015) Tracing Palaeo-Weathering via Lithium Isotopes
Pogge von Strandmann P, Ridgwell A, Jenkyns H, Lechler M, Metzger G, Kasemann S & Desrochers A
(2015) A Deep Time Perspective on Ocean pH
Kasemann S, Wood R, Ohnemüller F, Clarkson M, Lenton T & Prave A
(2014) Advantages of Combined High Precision MC-ICPMS and High Spatial Resolution Techniques in Earth Sciences
Kasemann S, Jones R, Schmidt D, Elliott T & Kirstein L
(2014) Radiogenic Isotope Signatures of Past Coastal Waters from Ornithogenic Sediments in North Chile
Lucassen F, Kasemann S, Vasquez P, Sepulveda F & Wilke H
(2013) Source Tracing in Li–bearing Brines, Salar Pozuelos, NW Argentine
Lucassen F, Korte L, Kasemann S, Meixner A & Alonso R
(2013) Ocean-Ph Evolution and Weathering Conditions during the Ediacaran: Insights from B, Sr & Li Isotopes at the Gaojiashan Section, South China
Ohnemueller F, Meixner A, Gamper A & Kasemann SA
(2013) Boron Cycling in the Central Andean Subduction Zone: Evidence for Recycled Components
Jones R, Kirstein L, Hinton R, Kasemann S, Elliott T & Litvak V
(2013) Calcium and Magnesium Isotopes Reveal Earth System Response in the Aftermath of a Cryogenian Glaciation
Kasemann S, Pogge von Strandmann P, Prave A, Fallick A, Elliott T & Hoffmann K-H
(2012) Subduction Erosion, Magmatism and Continental Crust Formation in the Southern Central Andes
Jones R, Kirstein L, Hinton R, Kasemann S, Dhuime B & Elliott T
(2011) Controls on Early Biomineralisation: Oxygen and Competition
Wood R, Prave A, Hoffman C, Lyne J, Clarkson M & Kasemann S
(2011) Fractionation of Li and Mg Isotopes in Mantle Derived Materials- Promise, Perils and Progress
Elliott T, Pogge von Strandmann P, Lai YJ, Kasemann S, Ionov D, Takazawa E, Marschall H, Gallagher K & Dohmen R
(2011) Neoproterozoic Ice Ages, Boron Isotopes, and Ocean Acidification
Kasemann S, Prave A, Fallick A, Hawkesworth C & Hoffmann KH
(2008) Constraints on the Carbon Cycle Changes during the PETM
Schmidt DN, Ridgwell A, Kasemann S & Thomas E
(2008) Neoproterozoic Carbonates: An Isotopic Archive of Ocean Acidification?
Kasemann S, Abell R, Prave A, Fallick A & Hawkesworth C
(2007) Trace Elements in Foraminiferal Calcite: New Understanding Based on in situ Analysis
Schmidt DN & Kasemann S
(2007) In situ Boron Isotope Analysis in Foraminifera: Implications for palaeo-Ph Predictions
Kasemann S & Schmidt D
(2007) Li Isotopes and Li/Ca Measured in Foraminifera via SIMS and MC-ICP-MS
Abell R, Elliott T, Foster G, Kasemann S & Schmidt D
(2007) Diffusively Driven Li Isotope Fractionation
Elliott T, Pogge van Strandmann P, Gallagher K, Kasemann S & Sims K
(2007) Stable Isotopic Trends in Neoproterozoic Oceans: A Record of Global Snowballs, Global Slushballs, Global Methane, Global Diagenesis, and/Or Palaeogeography?
Prave T, Kasemann S, Fallick T, Hawkesworth C & Hoffmann C
(2006) Stable isotope investigation of palaeo- CO2 levels: Neoproterozoic climatic extremes as a test study
Kasemann SA, Prave AR, Hawkesworth CJ & Fallick AE
(2006) Biology of boron iotopes in planktic foraminifers: new understanding based on in-situ analysis (SIMS)
Schmidt DN & Kasemann S
(2006) Li isotopic evidence for subduction induced mantle heterogeneity
Elliott T, Jeffcoate A & Kasemann S
(2005) Lithium-Gesopeedometry: Quantifying Rapid Geological Processes
Coogan L, Kaseman S & Chakraborty S
(2004) High-Spatial Resolution Lithium Isotope Variation in Mantle Minerals
Kasemann S, Jeffcoate A & Elliott T
(2002) Calcium Isotope Variation in Neoproterozoic Carbonate Rocks
Kasemann SA, Hawkesworth CJ & Prave AR