All abstracts by Hanna Kaasalainen in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) The Vonarskard Geothermal System, Central Iceland: An Oasis in the DesertKeller NS, Stefánsson A, Kaasalainen H, Björnsdóttir S, Pétursdóttir S, Gunnarsson Robin J, Hreggvidsson GÓ, Jóhannesson H & Fridleifsson GÓ
(2015) Chemistry of FeII and FeIII in Hydrothermal Waters, Iceland
Kaasalainen H, Stefánsson A & Druschel G
(2015) Nitrogen Chemistry and Speciation in Geothermal Waters, Iceland
Ásgeirsdóttir R, Stefánsson A, Kaasalainen H & Eiríksdóttir ES
(2013) Chromium Chemistry in Natural Waters, Iceland
Kaasalainen H, Stefánsson A, Gunnarsson I & Arnórsson S
(2012) Chemical Speciation of Sediment Phosphorus and Iron Suggesting Burial of Iron-Bound Phosphorus in the Northern Baltic Sea
Lukkari K, Kujansuu S & Kaasalainen H
(2010) H2S and CO2 Sequestration in Geothermal Systems
Stefansson A, Arnorsson S, Gunnarsson I, Gysi A, Kaasalainen H & Gunnlaugsson E
(2010) Sulfur Speciation in Natural Geothermal Fluids, Iceland – Kinetically or Thermodynamically Controlled?
Kaasalainen H & Stefánsson A
(2009) Metal Transport by Geothermal and Volcanic Vapour
Kaasalainen H, Stefánsson A, Giroud N & Arnórsson S
(2008) The Chemistry of Sulfur in Volcanic Geothermal Fluids
Kaasalainen H & Stefánsson A