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All abstracts by Young-Shin Jun in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Effects of Iron on Olivine Utilization for Simultaneous CO2 Storage and Nickel Extraction
Wang Y & Jun Y-S

(2024) Effective Extraction of Cobalt from Carbonates via Sulfidation and Subsequent Oxidation
Liu X & Jun Y-S

(2023) Interfacial Energy Evolution of Heterogeneous CaCO3 Nucleation in the Presence of Sulfate
Zhu Y & Jun Y-S

(2018) Exploring Energetics of Confined Nucleation for Bioapatite Formation
Kim D, Lee B, Thomopoulos S & Jun Y-S

(2014) Roles of Arsenate and Phosphate in the Nucleation and Growth of Iron (III) (Hydr)oxides
Neil C, Lee B & Jun Y-S

(2012) In situ GISAXS Studies of Carbonate Mineral Nucleation on Mineral Surfaces
Fernandez-Martinez A, Hu Y, Jun Y-S & Waychunas G

(2011) Effects of Organic Ligands on Supercritical CO2–Induced Phlogopite Dissolution and Secondary Mineral Formation
Jun Y-S, Shao H & Ray J

(2011) Nucleation and Growth Mechanisms and Kinetics of Environmentally Important Oxides and Carbonates
Jun Y-S, Lee B, Hu Y, Ray J, Waychunas G & Fernandez-Martinez A

(2010) Mineral Dissolution and Nanoparticle Evolution on Phlogopite Surfaces Under CO2 Geologic Sequestration Conditions
Shao H & Jun Y-S

(2010) Surface-Mediated Nucleation and Growth of Iron Oxides
Jun Y-S, Waychunas G & Lee B

(2008) Nature of Environmental Nanoparticle Development at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Jun Y-S, Waychunas G & Lee B

(2002) Microscopic Observations of Manganite Reductive Dissolution
Martin S & Jun Y-S

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