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All abstracts by Benjamin Johnson in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2019) Continental Hydrothermal Systems Preserve a Time-Integrated Record of the Oxygen Isotope Composition of Ancient Precipitation
Johnson B & Wing B

(2018) Hydrothermally Altered Ocean Crust Constrains the Oxygen Isotope Composition of ~3.2 Ga Seawater, Pilbara Craton, Australia
Johnson B & Wing B

(2017) Nitrogen in Minerals and Atmospheres – A Sign of Life?
Stueeken E, Kipp M, Koehler M, Schwieterman E, Johnson B & Buick R

(2015) Nitrogen Budget of Earth: Insights into Volatile Cycling in the Deeper Planet
Johnson B & Goldblatt C

(2014) The Nitrogen Budget of Earth
Johnson B & Goldblatt C

(2014) Changing Pressure, Changing Climate: Theory and Constraints
Goldblatt C, Kavenagh L, Bryne B & Johnson B

(2009) Modelling Sources of Dust Aerosol in the Sahara
Johnson B, Walters D, Brooks M, Osborne S & Haywood J

(2009) Transport and Vertical Structure of Dust and Biomass Burning Aerosols over West Africa from Airborne Lidar, in situ and CALIPSO Measurements during AMMA Dry Season Campaign
Kim S-W, Yoon S-C, Chazette P, Dulac F, Sanak J & Johnson B

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