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All abstracts by Tiago L. R. Jalowitzki in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2011) Mantle Heterogeneities beneath Laguna Timone Volcano, Pali Aike Volcanic Field, Southern Chile
Gervasoni F, Conceição RV, Jalowitzki TLR & Orihashi Y

(2009) Phlogopite-Bearing Fossil Plume and EM II Component Evidences in Patagonia, Registered in Alkaline Basalts from Southern Argentine (36°S – 44°S)
Jalowitzki T, Conceicao R, Orihashi Y, Bertotto G & Gervasoni F

(2009) Experimental Petrology, Geochemistry and Petrography of Mantle Xenoliths from Prahuaniyeu Volcano, Northern Patagonia, Argentine
Gervasoni F, Conceicão R, Bertotto G, Gallas M & Jalowitzki T

(2008) Geochemistry of Websterites from the Aznares Volcano, Argentine Patagonia: Constraints on Mantle Metasomatism
Pressi L, Conceição R, Jalowitzki T & Gervasoni F

(2008) Ultramafic Xenoliths Suites from Patagonia Extra Back-Arc, Argentine: Evidences of Lithospheric Mantle Metasomatized by OIB-Like Melts and Subduction Related Fluids
Gervasoni F, Conceição R, Jalowitzki T, Bertotto G & Pressi L

(2008) Slab-Derived Fluid Metasomatism in Mantle Lithosphere from Agua Poca Volcano, Argentina N-Patagonia
Jalowitzki T, Conceição R, Bertotto G, Gervasoni F & Pressi L

(2008) Mantle Heterogeneity from South Patagonia, Argentine: Evidence of Depletion and Metasomatism from Slab Derived and OIB-Like Fluid
Conceicao RV, Sumino H, Horihashi Y, Schilling M & Jalowitzki T

(2007) The Influence of Metasomatized Mantle Wedge Related to Flat-Subduction Processes in Extra Back-Arc Basalts in Patagonia, Argentine
Jalowitzki T, Conceicao R & Orihashi Y

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