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All abstracts by Steven D. Jacobsen in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) Exploring Earth’s Deep Water Cycle Using Sublithospheric Diamonds
Gardner L, Jacobsen SD, Rivers M, Zhang D, Shirey SB & Pearson DG

(2021) Highly Volatile Element (H, C, F, Cl, S) Abundances and H Isotopic Compositions in Chondrules from Carbonaceous and Ordinary Chondrites
Shimizu K, Alexander CMO, Hauri EH, Sarafian AR, Nittler LR, Wang J, Jacobsen SD & Mendybaev RA

(2015) Transition Metals in the Transition Zone: Crystal Chemistry of Fe, Ti, Cr, V, Co, Ni, and Zn in Wadsleyite
Smyth JR, Kawazoe T, Jacobsen SD & Zhang L

(2014) Pressure Dependent Elastic Properties of Basalt by GHz Frequency Ultrasonic Interferometry
Clark A, Jacobsen S & Lesher C

(2014) Reduced COHN Volatile Speciation and Solubility in Basaltic Melt: Terrestrial Volcanism, Atmospheric Evolution and Deep C Cycling
Armstrong L, Hirschmann M, Stanley B, Falksen E & Jacobsen S

(2013) Reduced C-O-H Volatiles Dissolved in Lunar Picritic Glasses
Wetzel DT, Rutherford MJ, Jacobsen SD, Hauri EH, Saal AE & Thomas S-M

(2011) C-Solubility in Magmas at Low fO2
Wetzel D, Rutherford M, Jacobsen S, Hauri E & Saal A

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