All abstracts by Andrey Ivanov in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Study of the Influence of Extraterrestrial Matter on MicroorganismsIvanov A, Sevastyanov V, Dolgonosov A, Shnykin B, Ivanova T & Skripnik A
(2020) New Model of Abiogenesis
Ivanov A, Sevastyznov V, Dolgonosov A & Galimov E
(2019) Experimental Model of Genesis of Protobionts
Ivanov A, Sevastyanov V, Dolgonosov A & Galimov E
(2018) Microscale Processes of Thermal Coagulation of Polypeptides during Pneumatic Impact
Ivanov A, Sevastyanov V, Voropaev S & Dolgonosov A
(2010) Extreme Isotopy of Metabolism Environment
Ivanov A
(2009) Zygote Isotopy and the Epigenetic Code
Ivanov A
(2008) The Paradoxical Trend of δ13Corg
Ivanov A
(2006) The Environment Isotopy and the Evolution of Biosphere
Ivanov A & Volkov A