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All abstracts by Hiroaki Ishiga in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2011) Assessment of the Geochemical Processes and Environmental Pollution in the Trincomalee Bay, Sri Lanka
Young S, Pitawala A & Ishiga H

(2010) Heavy Metal Sediment Concentration Patterns within the Texas River System, USA and Hii River System, Japan
Matsumoto I, Hoffman D, McAlister J, Wolfe J & Ishiga H

(2009) Comparative Study of Heavy Metal Concentration of Stream Sediments on Major Rivers of Texas, USA and Several Rivers of Japan
Matsumoto I, Hoffman D, McAlister J, Wolfe J & Ishiga H

(2008) Impact of Human Population on Heavy Metal Concentration of Stream Sediments in the Trinity River, Texas, USA
Matsumoto I, Hoffman D, McAlister J & Ishiga H

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