All abstracts by Eugene Ilton in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Heavy Metal Incorporation during Goethite Oriented AttachmentMergelsberg S, Zhu G, Soltis J, McBriarty M, Nakouzi E, De Yoreo J & Ilton E
(2019) Role of Mass Transport in Mineral Carbonation in Confined H2O Films
Loring J, Placencia-Gomez RE, Kerisit S, Ilton E, Qafoku O, Miller Q & Rosso K
(2018) Towards an Accurate Characterization of Local Coordination Environments of Trace Impurities in Fe (Oxyhydr)oxides
Ilton E, McBriarty M & Bylaska E
(2018) Atomic-Scale Distribution of Uranium during Iron Oxide Mineral Growth
Soltis J, McBriarty M, Spurgeon S, De Yoreo J & Ilton E
(2017) Uranium Uptake and Redistribution during Phase Transformation and Oriented Attachment of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Soltis J, McBriarty M, Qafoku O, Spurgeon S, Buck E, De Yoreo J & Ilton E
(2015) Linking the Oxidation State of U Incorporated in Fe (Oxyhydr)oxides to Environmental Parameters
Ilton E, Kerisit S, Massey M & Bylaska E
(2015) Precipitation of Pentavalent Uranium on Magnetite
Yuan K, Ilton E, Antonio M & Becker U
(2015) A Comparison of Synthetic Triclinic and Hexagonal Birnessites with Natural Birnessites
Ling F, Post J, Heaney P, Ilton E, Santelli C, Burgos W & Rose A
(2014) Mechanistic Insights into the Water-Film Threshold for Silicate Carbonation in Wet-scCO2
Loring J, Benezeth P, Chen J, Qafoku O, Schaef T, Thompson C, Kerisit S, Ilton E, Felmy A & Rosso K
(2012) Neutron Diffraction, Excess Sorption and Infrared Study of CO2 Inter-Action with Na-Rich Montmorillonite at CCS P-T Conditions
Krukowski E, Goodman A, Rother G, Ilton E, Guthrie G & Bodnar R
(2011) Many-Body Effects in XPS and Chemical Bonding
Bagus P, Nelin C, Freund H-J & Ilton E
(2011) Atomistic Simulations of Uranium in the Environment: Diffusion, Adsorption, and Incorporation
Kerisit S, Liu C, Felmy A & Ilton E
(2010) The Role of Intermediates during Metal Carbonation of Forsterite in Wet Supercritical CO2
Felmy A, Kwak J, Hu J, Rosso K, Wang C, Hoyt D, Ilton E, Rustad J & Dixon D
(2010) Incorporation of Uranium by Oxides and Phyllosilicates: Effects on Redox and Retention
Ilton E, Kerisit S & Felmy A
(2009) Reduction of Hg(II) to Hg(0) by Magnetite
Wiatrowski H, Das S, Kukkadapu R, Ilton E, Barkay T & Yee N
(2008) Reaction of Aqueous U(VI) with Nano-Crystalline Magnetite
Ilton E, Boily J-F & Bargar J
(2005) Self-Consistent Self-Interaction Corrected DFT Studies of Annite
Bylaska E, Tsemekhman K, Ilton E & Rosso K
(2005) Rigorous Theoretical Determination of L-Edge Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectra for Transition Metal Complexes
Bagus PS & Ilton ES
(2005) Reduction of Uranyl by Trace to Minor Structural Fe(II) in Phyllosilicates
Ilton E & Heald S