All abstracts by Benoit Ildefonse in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) The Main MORB Crustal Contaminant: Geochemistry of Magma Chamber Roof Experimental Anatectic Melts, and ResiduesFrance L, Koepke J, Ildefonse B, MacLeod CJ, Godard M & Deloule E
(2013) Melt-Rock Reaction in Oceanic Troctolites (Ligurian Ophiolites, Italy) as Revealed by Trace Element Chemistry of Olivine
Rampone E, Borghini G, Crispini L, Godard M, Ildefonse B & Fumagalli P
(2010) Melting the Hydrothermally Altered Sheeted Dike Complex: Chemical Composition of the Main MORB Crustal Contaminant
France L, Ildefonse B, Koepke J, Godard M & MacLeod C