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All abstracts by Zhao-Chu Hu in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Behavior of Halogens (F, Cl, Br, and I) during Medium- to High-Grade Metamorphism: Evidence from the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italian Alps
Huising M, Han P-Y, Rudnick R, Bea F, He T, Hu Z-C & Marks MAW

(2022) The Role of Continental Crust in the Global Halogen Cycle: Insights from Halogen Concentrations (F, Cl, Br, and I) of Ancient Glacial Deposits
Han P-Y, Rudnick RL, He T, Marks MAW, Wang S-J, Gaschnig RM & Hu Z-C

(2022) Subduction-Induced Refertilization of Depleted Mantle in Sulu Continental Ultra-High-Pressure Terrane, Eastern China
Ren A, Wang Z, Zong K, Zhang W, Liu Y & Hu Z-C

(2022) Crustal Thickness Controls the Differentiation Style and Composition of Arc Magmas and Continental Crust Formation
Chen K, Tang M, Hu Z-C & Liu Y

(2022) Magmatic Crystallization Drives Zr Isotopic Variations in Zircons of the Granite Batholith
Zhu Z, Zhang W, Guo J, Wang Z, Hoffmann JE, Luo T & Hu Z-C

(2022) Natural Evidence for Primitive Alkaline Basalts Sourced from Carbonate-Bearing Eclogite
Zou Z, Wang Z, Foley SF, Xu R, Geng X, Liu Y-N, Liu Y & Hu Z-C

(2022) Mercury Enrichments during the Carnian Pluvial Event (Late Triassic) in South China
Zhao H, Grasby S, Wang X, Zhang L, Liu Y, Hu Z-C, Chen Z-Q & Huang Y

(2022) Microbeam Isotopic Analysis of Geological Samples by LA-MC-ICPMS. IAG Young Scientists Award
Xu L, Yang J-H, Hu Z-C & Xu L

(2022) Determination of Ti Isotopes in Rutiles with High Spatial Resolution by Femtosecond Laser Ablation Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Liu H, Zhang W, Hu Z-C, Deng Z, Bizzarro M, Schiller M, Luo T, Feng Y & Feng L

(2019) In situ Calcium Isotopic Ratio Determination in Calcium Carbonate Materials and Calcium Phosphate Materials Using Laser Ablation-Multiple Collector-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Zhang W, Hu Z & Liu Y

(2019) How Mafic was the Archean Upper Continental Crust?
Chen K, Rudnick R, Wang Z, Tang M, Hu Z & Liu Y

(2019) “Soft”Ablation Cell for LA-ICP-MS Investigations of Large Precious Samples
Chen H, Liu Y, Li M, Hu Z, Zhang W & Luo T

(2019) Platinum Group Element Mobilization in Mantle Caused by Recycled Sedimentary Carbonate
He D, Liu Y, Chen C, Zong K & Hu Z

(2019) Suppression of Anionic Pollutant Leaching from Coal Fly Ash by Adding Hydroxylated Calcined Dolomite
Tian Q, Guo B, Nakama S, Zhang L, Hu Z & Sasaki K

(2019) Calcium Isotope Evidence for an Episode of Ocean Acidification Across the Early Triassic Smithian-Spathian Boundary Recorded in the Shitouzai Section, South China
Zhao H, Zhang F, Chen Z-Q, Liu Y, Hu Z & Hu Z

(2019) Determination of Gallium Isotopic Compositions in Reference Materials
Feng L, Zhou L, He X & Hu Z-C

(2015) In situ Nd Isotope Analyses in Geological Materials with Signal Enhancement and non Linear Mass Dependent Fractionation Reduction Using Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Xu L, Hu Z, Gao S, Liu Y & Ni Q

(2015) Accurate Analysis of Lithium Isotopes Using MC-ICP-MS by a Novel Method of Reducing Memory Effect
Lin J, Liu Y, Hu Z, Chen K, Chen H, Zong K & Gao S

(2014) Super-Reducing Assemblages in Mantle Xenoliths: Evidence for Marine Carbonate Recycling
He D, Liu Y, Gao C, Foley S, Hu Z, Zong K, Schmidt MW & Gao S

(2014) A Comparison of Elemental Fractionation in Silicate Glasses by Nanosecond and Femtosecond Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Li Z, Hu Z, Gao S & Liu Y

(2013) In situ Trace Elements and Li, Sr Isotopes in Peridotite Xenoliths from Kuandian, North China Craton: Insights into Pacific Slab Subduction-Related Mantle Modification
Xu R, Liu Y, Tong X, Hu Z, Zong K, Li H & Gao S

(2013) NH4HF<sub>2</sub> – Assisted Digestion of Silicate Rocks for Multi-Element Analysis by ICP-MS: A New Development in Open Vessel Digestion
Zhang W, Hu Z, Liu Y, Chen H, Gao S & Gaschnig RM

(2013) Rapid Bulk Rock Decomposition by Ammonium Fluoride (NH4F) in Open-Vessels by an Elevated Digestion Temperature
Hu Z, Zhang W, Ni Q, Liu Y, Gaschnig R, Zhou L & Zhao L

(2013) Multiple Exsolutions in a Rare Clinopyroxene Megacryst from the Hannuoba Basalt, North China: Implications for Subducted Slab-Related Crustal Thickening and Recycling
He D, Liu Y, Tong X, Zong K, Hu Z & Gao S

(2012) Element Impurities as Time Scale in Otoliths of Wild Prussian Carp (Carassius Gibelio): Implications for Past Environmental Reconstructions
Chai X, Li M, Hu S, Hu Z & Jin L

(2012) Triassic High-Mg Adakitic Andesites from Linxi, Inner Mongolia: Insights into the Fate of the Paleo-Asian Ocean Crust and Fossil Slab-Derived Melt-Peridotite Interaction
Liu Y, Wang X, Wang D, He D, Zong K, Gao C & Hu Z

(2011) The Comparsion of Mo Isotope and Paleo-Oxygenation Parameters in Black Shales from Upper Yangtze Marine Sediments
Zhou L, Su J, Hu Z, Huang J & Zhao L

(2011) NIST SRM 610-614 Matrix Induced Unique Element Fractionation in Laser Ablation ICP-MS at High Spatial Resolution Analysis
Hu Z, Zhou L, Liu Y, Zhao L & Gao S

(2010) Multiple Growth of Titanite in Response to Lower Crustal Thickening and Recycling
Guo J, Gao S, Xu W, Hu Z, Yuan H, Liu Y & Zong K

(2010) Simultaneous Analyses of Major and Trace Elements in Fused Rock Powders Using Hermetic Vessel Heater and LA-ICP-MS
Zhu L, Liu Y, Hu Z & Gao S

(2008) Penglai Zircon – A Potential New Reference for Microbeam Analysis of U-Pb Age and O-Hf Isotopes
Li X-H, Long W-G, Guo C-H, Liu Y, Li Q-L, Hu Z-C & Tao H

(2006) Lithospheric Evolution of the North China Craton: Evidence from high-Mg adakitic rocks and their entrained xenoliths
Gao S, Rudnick RL, Xu WL, Yuan HL, Hu ZC & Liu XM

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