All abstracts by Susan D. Hovorka in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2011) Natural and Artifical Noble Gases as Tracers of Injected CO2 Migration within a Deep ReservoirGilfillan S, Haszeldine RS, Poreda R & Hovorka S
(2010) Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide: Potential Environmental Impacts of CO2-organic Interactions
Kharaka YK, Campbell P, Thordsen JJ, Thomas RB, Dole DR & Hovorka SD
(2007) Potential Environmental Issues of CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers: Geochemical Results from the Frio Brine Pilot Tests, Texas, USA
Kharaka Y, Thordsen J, Hovorka S, Cole D, Phelps T & Bullen T