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All abstracts by Juske Horita in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Intramolecular Isotope Geochemistry of Propane and Butane Isomers from Natural Gases
Horita J & Li X

(2023) Do We Need to Have Mineral-Specific Δ47: Calibrations and/Or Acid Fractionation Factors and/Or Community Standards ?
Bonifacie M, Anderson N, Bergmann K, Katz A, Calmels D, Siebert J, Horita J, Bernasconi SM, Daëron M, Fosu BR & Jautzy JJ

(2020) Bulk and Position-Specific Isotope Geochemistry of Natural Gases from the Late Cretaceous Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas
Zhao H, Liu C, Larson T, McGovern G & Horita J

(2020) Isotope Effects of Water Adsorption at the Mineral Interface
Horita J & Liu C

(2019) Reconstitution of the Isotopic Composition of Boron in Seawater over Geological Times
Buisson M, Louvat P, Rollion-Bard C, Bouchez J, Horita J & Gaillardet J

(2019) Pressure Control on D/H Fractionation of Mineral-Fluid Systems with Implications for Subduction Zone Dehydration and the Deep-Earth Water Cycle
Horita J

(2018) Position-Specific Isotope Compositions of Propane from Unconventional Natural Gases of Woodford Shale, OK
Horita J, Liu P, Liu C & McGovern G

(2017) Position-Specific Isotope Compositions of Propane from Natural Gases by Quantitative NMR
Liu C, Mcgovern G, Liu P, Zhao H, Larson T & Horita J

(2017) Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation between Water Adsorbed on Mesoporous Materials and Water Vapor with Implications for the Hydrologic Cycle
Lin Y, Horita J & Abe O

(2016) Carbon Isotopes of the Deep Earth: Implications for Earth-Forming Processes and the Origin of Life
Horita J

(2014) Equilibrium Carbon Isotope Fractionation Factors for Hydrocarbons: Modified Method of Isotopic Bond Numbers
Polyakov V & Horita J

(2013) Carbon Isotope Biosignatures: A Surface-Deep Earth Abiotic Connection
Horita J

(2012) Theoretical Carbon Isotope Fractionation Under Deep-Earth Conditions
Polyakov V & Horita J

(2011) Calibration and Applications of the Dolomite Clumped Isotope Thermometer to High Temperatures
Bonifacie M, Ferry J, Horita J, Vasconcelos C, Passey B & Eiler J

(2011) Extensive Denitrification in the Subsurface of the Oak Ridge Site, Tennessee
Horita J, Conrad M, Yoshida N, Bill M, Kostka J, Watson D, Brooks S & Jardine P

(2010) Water in Extreme Environments: From Open Networks to Close Packing Coordination
Chialvo A & Horita J

(2010) A Global Survey of Oxygen Isotopes of Uranium Ores
Horita J, Fayek M & Ripley E

(2010) Neutron Imaging of Fluids in Plant-Soil-Rock Systems Using the ORNL/HFIR CG-1 Beamline
Bilheux H, Horita J, Warren J, Perfect E & Kang M

(2010) Combined High-Pressure Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction Study of H-D Substitution Effects on Brucite
Dos Santos A, Horita J, Tulk C, Chakoumakos B & Polyakov V

(2010) Sorption and Wetting Properties of Pore Fluids Probed by Neutron Scattering Techniques
Rother G, Horita J, Cole D & Littrell K

(2009) Isotope Fractionation of Fluids Under Geologic Conditions
Horita J, Polyakov V & Chialvo A

(2009) Molecular-Based Simulation of Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium Isotopic Fractionation of Water
Chialvo A & Horita J

(2008) The Dolomite Problem: Oxygen Isotope Fractionation to Elevated Temperatures
Horita J

(2007) Calcite-Water Oxygen Isotope Fractionation at Elevated Temperatures: Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Effect of Pressure and Dissolved NaCl
Horita J, Polyakov V & Cole D

(2007) Novel Corresponding – States Principle Approach for Calculating the Isotopic Properties of Water Under Elevated Temperatures and Pressures
Polyakov V, Horita J, Cole D & Chialvo A

(2005) Hydrogen and Carbon Isotope Compositions of Hydrocarbons in Hydrothermal Carbon Reduction Processes
Fu Q, Sherwood Lollar B, Horita J, Lacrampe-Couloume G & Seyfried W

(2005) Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Measurements in Abiogenic Hydrocarbon Synthesis
Sherwood Lollar B, Telling J, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Fu Q, Seyfried Jr. W, Horita J & McCollom T

(2005) Isotopic Effect on Phase Equilibria of Pure Fluids and Mixtures: Molecular Simulation, Theory and Experiment
Chialvo A & Horita J

(2005) Environmental Isotope Forensics of Perchlorate
Sturchio N, Bohlke J, Gu B, Horita J, Brown G & Hatzinger P

(2003) A Half Century in the Study of Isotopic Biosignatures: Tribute to the Late Dr. Harmon Craig
Horita J

(2001) Biogenic vs. Abiogenic Isotope Signatures of Reduced Carbon Compounds: A Lesson from Hydrothermal Synthesis Experiments
Horita J, Allen DE, Berndt ME & Seyfried Jr. WE

(2001) Experimental Synthesis of Some Reduced Carbon Compounds: Implications for Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Systems
Allen DE, Horita J & Seyfried Jr. WE

(2001) Fundamental Studies of Stable Isotope Exchange in Systems Relevant to Energy Utilization
Cole DR, Horita J & Wesolowski DJ

(2000) Experimental Determination of Hydrogen Diffusion Rates in Hydrous Minerals Using the Ion Microprobe
De SK, Cole DR, Riciputi LR, Chacko T & Horita J

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