All abstracts by David L. Hochstetler in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Upscaling Diffusion Effects in Groundwater Transport: An Investigation from Pore to Field ScaleRolle M, Chiogna G, Hochstetler D & Kitanidis P
(2013) Entropy and Reactive Solute Transport in Porous Media
Chiogna G, Hochstetler DL, Bellin A, Kitanidis PK & Rolle M
(2012) Using Pore-Scale Simulations to Better Quantify Mixing and Mass Transformation in Upscaled Models
Hochstetler D, Rolle M & Kitanidis P
(2011) Compound-Specific Transverse Dispersion in Porous Media: Darcy-Scale Experiments and Pore-Scale Modeling Interpretation
Rolle M, Hochstetler D, Chiogna G, Kitanidis PK & Grathwohl P