All abstracts by Yi-Fang Ho in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2016) Role of Natural Organic Matter on Iodine and Pu Distribution and Mobility in Environmental Samples from the Northwestern Fukushima PrefectureXu C, Zhang S, Sugiyama Y, Ohte N, Ho Y-F, Fujitake N, Kaplan D, Yeager C, Schwehr K & Santschi P
(2014) Hydroxamate Siderophores in Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Matrix Responsible for Binding 239,240Pu in the Far-Field of the Savannah River Site, USA
Xu C, Zhang S, Ho Y-F, Athon M, Johnston I, Schwehr KA, Kaplan DI, Didonato N, Hatcher PG & Santschi PH
(2013) Plutonium Immobilization and Re-mobilization by Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Matrix Compounds in the Far-Field of the Savannah River Site (SRS), USA
Xu C, Athon M, Ho Y-F, Schwehr KA, Kaplan DI, Roberts KA, Dinato N, Hatcher PG & Santschi PH
(2010) Mobility of Iodine (129I and 127I) Species in Sediment Columns from the Savannah River Site
Zhang S, Du J, Xu C, Schwehr K, Ho Y, Santschi P & Kaplan D