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All abstracts by Verena B. Heuer in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Iron Isotope Signals: Use and Limitations in Natural Marine Sediments
Henkel S, Köster M, Liu B, Staubwasser M, Meixner A, Kasemann SA, Manners HR, Heuer VB, Morono Y, Inagaki F & Kasten S

(2023) Novel Isotopic Techniques to Investigate the Deep Subsurface Acetate Cycle
Mueller EP, Panehal J, Hansen CT, Song M, Boettger J, Heuer VB, Warr O, Bach W, Hinrichs K-U, Eiler J, Orphan V, Sherwood Lollar B & Sessions AL

(2021) Volcanic Ash Alteration as Driver of (Bio-)geochemical Iron Cycling in Deep Marine Sediments of the Nankai Trough
Köster M, Manners HR, Meixner A, Kasemann SA, Staubwasser M, Morono Y, Inagaki F, Heuer VB, Kasten S & Henkel S

(2021) Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G

(2018) The Butanetriol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (BDGTs), Potential Biomarkers for Methanogenesis?
Coffinet S, Mühlena L, Crump MP, Meador TB, Becker KW, Schröder J, Heuer VB, Lipp JS & Hinrichs K-U

(2018) Endospore Distribution in the Nankai Trough Deep Biosphere – Insights from IODP Expedition 370
Viehweger B, Gajendra N, Wörmer L, Heuer V & Hinrichs K-U

(2018) Temperature Limits of the Deep Biosphere
Heuer V, Inagaki F, Morono Y, Viehweger B, Wörmer L & Hinrichs K-U

(2018) Abiogenic Formation of Low Molecular Weight Organic Compounds within the Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes of the Marianna Trench (IODP Exp. 366)
Sissmann O, Price R, Elvert M, Heuer V, Prieto X, Monnin C, Rouchon V, Noirez S, Beaumont V, Menzies C & Takai K

(2017) Biotic and Abiotic Carbon Cycling in Geothermally Heated Sediments from the Nankai Trough
Gan S, Heuer V, Schmidt F, Wörmer L, Adhikari R & Hinrichs K-U

(2017) Temperature Limit of the Deep Biosphere off Muroto (T-Limit)
Heuer VB, Inagaki F, Morono Y, Hinrichs K-U, Kubo Y, Maeda L & Expedition 370 Scientists T

(2017) The Deep Biosphere in Bengal Fan Sediments (IODP Exp. 354)
Adhikari RR, Heuer VB, Elvert M, Hoshino T, Inagaki F, Kallmeyer J, Kitte A, Wörmer L & Hinrichs K-U

(2017) Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Coupled to Iron Reduction (Fe-Aom) Associated with Iron, Sulfur and Carbon Cycles in Anoxic Sediments
Chuang P-C, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U & Zabel M

(2015) Abiogenic and Microbial Cycling of Volatile Fatty Acids in Ancient Crustal Fracture Waters in the Canadian Shield
McDermott JM, Heuer VB, Tille S, Moran JJ, Slater GF, Sutcliffe CN, Glein CR, Hinrichs K-U & Sherwood Lollar B

(2014) Intact Polar Lipids in the Black Sea and its Sediments: Microbial Life Above and Below the Seafloor
Schröder J, Lipp J, Lazar C, Aiello I, Goldhammer T, Heuer V, Elvert M, Zabel M, Morono Y, Inagaki F & Hinrichs K-U

(2014) Impact of Biogeochemical Zonation and Depositional Setting on Molecular Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Sediment Pore Waters
Schmidt F, Koch B, Goldhammer T, Zabel M, Buttigieg PL, Ramette A, Elvert M, Witt M, Lazar C, Könneke M, Heuer V & Hinrichs K-U

(2013) Active Carbon Cycling in Deep Subsurface Fracture Environments: Insights from RNA, Lipid and Isotopic Analyses
Lau M, Lindsay M, Kieft T, Pullin M, Hendrickson S, Simkus D, Slater G, Sherwood Lollar B, Li L, Lacrampe-Couloume G, van Heerden E, Erasmus M, Borgonie G, Linage B, Kuloyo K, Mailloux B, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U, Maphanga S & Onstott T

(2013) Carbon Flow from Volcanic CO2 into Soil Microbial Communities of a Wetland Mofette
Beulig F, Akob D, Viehweger B, Elvert M, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U & Küsel K

(2013) Intact Polar Lipids and Diagenetic Processes in Sub-Seafloor Sediments in the Black Sea
Schröder J, Aiello I, Goldhammer T, Heuer V, Elvert M, Zabel M & Hinrichs K-U

(2011) Sources and Sinks of Acetate in an Acidic Peatland
Hädrich A, Heuer V, Herrmann M, Hinrichs K-U & Küsel K

(2011) Seasonal Variations in Microbial Carbon Cycling in Freshwater Wetland Sediments Identified Through Rate Assays, Lipid Biomarkers, and Porewater Geochemistry
Segarra K, Yoshinaga M, Schubotz F, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U, Samarkin V & Joye SB

(2007) Methane and Organic Matter as Sources for Excess Carbon Dioxide in Intertidal Surface Sands: Biogeochemical and Stable Isotope Evidence
Böttcher ME, Al-Raei AM, Hilker Y, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U & Segl M

(2007) Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Acetate as Proxies for Biogeochemical Processes in Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments
Heuer V, Pohlman J, Elvert M & Hinrichs K-U

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