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All abstracts by Daniel Herwartz in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Cryogenian Postglacial Climate Revealed by Dolomite Triple Oxygen Isotopes
Bajnai D, Stacey J, Balsliemke A, Wallace MW, Pack A, Herwartz D & Hood AVS

(2024) Tracing the Sources of Water for Life at the Dry Limit Using Stable Isotopes
Herwartz D, Elshenawy M, Feng D, Staubwasser M, Zύñiga-Reinoso A & Predel R

(2023) Tracing Vital Effects in Biogenic Carbonates via Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics
Herwartz D, Klipsch S, Bajnai D, Raddatz J, Davies A, Gischler E, Fiebig J & Pack A

(2023) Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Modern Terrestrial Mammalian Tooth Enamel- New Implications for Paleoenvironmental and Physiological Research
Feng D, Löffler N, Zahnow F, Surma J, Herwartz D & Pack A

(2023) Atacama Desert Paleo-Humidity of the Last 10 Ma Quantified by Triple Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in Gypsum
Staubwasser M, Voigt C, Herwartz D, Obert C, Münker C & Chong G

(2022) Triple Oxygen Isotopes as Paleoenvironmental Tool
Herwartz D

(2021) Identification of Metabolic and Enzymatic Pathways in the Phosphorus Cycle Using Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics
Herwartz D, Pack A, Di Rocco T, Feng D & von Sperber C

(2021) Identifying Sulfate Sources and Water Availability Using Triple Oxygen and Sulfur Isotopes
Klipsch S, Voigt C, Herwartz D, Böttcher ME & Staubwasser M

(2021) An Experimental Constraint on the Oxygen Isotope Fractionation (18O/16O) between Water and Aqueous Hydroxide Ion
Bajnai D & Herwartz D

(2019) What 17O-Excess may Tell About Evaporation in the Past
Staubwasser M, Herwartz D, Surma J & Voigt C

(2019) Assessing the Potential of 230Th/U Dating of Gypsum and Other Evaporites
Obert C, Münker C, Staubwasser M & Herwartz D

(2018) Using Triple Oxygen Isotopes to Determine Evaporation and Recharge at the Salar del Huasco, Chile
Voigt C, Herwartz D, Surma J & Staubwasser M

(2018) Triple Oxygen Analysis of Sulfate Samples from the Atacama Desert, Chile
Klipsch S, Herwartz D & Staubwasser M

(2017) The Heating Rate Controls Chert δ18O
Tatzel M, von Blanckenburg F, Herwartz D, Oelze M, Lünsdorf NK & Wiedenbeck M

(2017) Triple Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in Hydration Water of Lacustrine Gypsum for Quantitative Paleo-Humidity Estimates
Gazquez F, Morellon M, Bauska T, Herwartz D, Surma J, Moreno A, Staubwasser M, Valero-Garces B & Hodell DA

(2017) Structurally Bonded Water in Sediment Soil Samples from the Atacama Desert, Chile
Voigt C, Herwartz D & Staubwasser M

(2016) Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Gypsum Hydration Water
Herwartz D, Surma J & Staubwasser M

(2016) Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics in Evaporitic Brines
Surma J, Herwartz D, Assonov S & Staubwasser M

(2015) 17O-Excess and Deuterium-Excess in Gypsum Hydration Water
Gazquez F, Evans N, Mather I, Herwartz D, Staubwasser M & Hodell D

(2015) The Δ17O Systematics of Gypsum Hydration Water
Herwartz D, Surma J, Klipsch SL, Staubwasser M & Cosentino D

(2014) The Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of the Earth and Mass-Dependent Variations in Δ17O in Mantle and Crustal Rocks
Pack A, Herwartz D & Sengupta S

(2014) The Elevated Δ17O Composition of the Moon Relative to the Earth
Herwartz D, Pack A, Friedrichs B & Bischoff A

(2014) High Precision Δ17O Analysis of Cherts – Implications for the Temperature and δ18O of Ancient Oceans
Sengupta S, Pack A, Robert F, Reitner J & Herwatrz D

(2013) Variations of ∆17O in Terrestrial Rocks
Herwartz D, Pack A & Krylov D

(2011) REE in Fossil Biogenic Apatite
Herwartz D, Tütken T, Jochum K-P & Sander PM

(2011) Re-Os and Lu-Hf Dating in Letlhakane Peridotite Xenoliths (Botswana)
Luguet A, Behrens M, Herwartz D & Pearson G

(2009) Lu-Hf Dating of Biogenic Phosphates – Prospects and Pitfalls
Herwartz D, Tütken T, Münker C & Sander PM

(2008) Concentration Profiles of Trace Elements in Fossil Dinosaur Bone
Herwartz D, Tütken T, Münker C, Sander M, Jochum K-P & Stoll B

(2007) The First Lu-Hf Garnet Ages of North Penninic Alpine Eclogites
Herwartz D, Münker C, Scherer E, Nagel T, Pleuger J & Froitzheim N

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