All abstracts by John W. Hernlund in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Modes of Formation of the Basal Magma OceanLabrosse S, Hernlund J & Coltice N
(2011) Spin Crossover and Iron-Rich Silicate Melt in the Earth’s Deep Mantle
Nomura R, Ozawa H, Tateno S, Hirose K, Hernlund J, Muto S, Ishii H & Hiraoka N
(2011) Heat Flow in the Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell and the Thermal Conductivity of the Lower Mantle
Rainey E, Kavner A & Hernlund J
(2011) The High Conductivity of Iron and Thermal Evolution of the Earth’s Core
Hirose K, Gomi H, Ohta K, Labrosse S & Hernlund J
(2008) S and P Travel-Time Curves: Using Raw Data to Constrain Mineralogical and Chemical Changes Near the CMB
Houser C & Hernlund J
(2008) Early Mantle Evolution Influenced by the Crystallization of a Basal Magma Ocean
Coltice N, Labrosse S & Hernlund JW
(2008) Some Implications of the Basal Magma Ocean Model for Earth's Formation and Segregation
Hernlund J, Labrosse S & Coltice N
(2007) Evolution of the Basal Dense Magma Ocean: The Ultimate Deep Mantle Rug!
Labrosse S, Hernlund J & Coltice N
(2007) The Energy Balance at the Core-Mantle Boundary
Hernlund J, Labrosse S & Coltice N