All abstracts by Elizabeth Herndon in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Modeling the Effects of Manganese Bioavailability on Carbon Storage in the Critical ZoneHerndon E & Sulman BN
(2024) Organo-Mineral Interactions of Manganese and Iron Oxides in Arctic Tundra
Bidas K, Rooney E, VanderJeugdt E, Miah I, Kinsman-Costello LE, Weintraub M, Zhao Q & Herndon E
(2024) Landscape and Hydrologic Controls on Solute Dynamics in Non-Perennial Headwater Streams
Berens MJ, Gu X, Johs A, Brooks SC, Lowe K, Yin X, Griffiths NA, Kurz MJ, Pierce EM & Herndon E
(2024) Does This Redox Boundary Make me Look Red? How Soil Moisture Impacts Iron Minerology and P Availability Through Arctic Soil Profiles
VanderJeugdt E, Kinsman-Costello LE, Rooney E, Bidas K, Miah I, Herndon E & Weintraub M
(2024) Dynamic Hydrology Shapes Microbially Mediated Redox Processes in a Great Lakes Coastal Estuary
Kinsman-Costello LE, Eberhard E, Monty-Bromer C, Senko J, Morin T, Chinthala SP, Adesanmi B, Onyango Y, Heard T, Hassett E, Pope T, Bohrer G & Herndon E
(2023) The Roles of Manganese in Stabilizing and Destabilizing Soil Organic Matter
Herndon E, Bidas K, Li H, Santos F & Sulman B
(2021) Modeling Interactive Effects of Mn, N, and Warming on Soil Carbon Storage
Herndon E & Sulman B
(2021) Microbial Iron Cycling during Permafrost Thaw
Bryce C, Patzner MS, Mueller CW, Logan M, Eberle A, Straub D, Kleindienst S, Hoeschen C, McKenna A, Barczok MR, Smith CE, Kinsman-Costello LE, Herndon E, Borch T & Kappler A
(2021) Impact of Increasing Permafrost Thaw and Surface Ponding on Iron Speciation and Phosphorus Bioavailability in Abisko, Sweden
Barczok MR, Smith CE, Kinsman-Costello LE, Singer DM, Patzner MS, Kappler A, Bryce C & Herndon E
(2020) Role of Mn-Oxides in Regulating Fate and Transport of Soil Organic Matter
Li H & Herndon E
(2020) X-Ray Vision in the Arctic Tundra: Exploring How Redox Biogeochemistry Influences Ecosystem Processes
Herndon E, Kinsman-Costello L, Michaud A, Emerson D & Bowden W
(2020) Effects of Biological Manganese Cycling on Carbon Storage in the Critical Zone
Herndon E, Laubscher S, Sulman B & Rosenfeld C
(2020) Influence of Permafrost Thaw on Redox, Iron Speciation, and Bioavailable Phosphorus in a Subarctic Peatland
Barczok M, Smith C, Kinsman-Costello L, Singer D & Herndon E
(2020) Mineralogical Controls on the Retention and Chemical Composition of Dissolved Pyrogenic Carbon
Santos F, Yan J, Li H, Herndon E, Parikh S, Ghezzehei T, Blanchette F, Bird J & Berhe A
(2018) Concentration-Discharge Behavior of Contaminants in a Stream Impacted by Acid Mine Drainage
Shaw M, Klein M & Herndon E
(2018) Iron Accumulation Promotes Phosphate Retention at Redox Interfaces in Arctic and Boreal Soils
Herndon E, Duroe K, Kinsman-Costello L, Mills J, Thompson A, Kane E, Sebestyen S & Wullschleger S
(2017) Changes in Mn Oxidation State and U Immobility in Weathering Rinds
Sak P, Ma L, Gaillardet J, Herndon E & Brantley S
(2017) Iron-Phosphorus Interactions Across Redox Transitions in Tundra and Boreal Wetlands
Herndon E, Duroe K, Mills J, Kinsman-Costello L, Wullschleger S, Sebestyen S & Kane E
(2015) Iron Biogeochemistry in Arctic Tundra Soils
Herndon E, Roy Chowdhury T, Yang Z, Graham D, Gu B & Liang L
(2014) Geochemical Drivers of Organic Matter Degradation in Arctic Tundra
Herndon E, Mann B, Bargar J, Graham D, Wullschleger S, Gu B & Liang L
(2014) Reactions of Soil Organic Matter with Iron and Iron-Oxides on its Sorption, Transport and Degradation
Gu B, Herndon E, Mann B, Bargar J, Wullschleger S, Graham D & Liang L
(2014) Quantifying the Signature of the Industrial Revolution from Pb, Cd and Zn Isotopes in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
Ma L, Guo J, Herndon E, Jin L, Sanchez D & Brantley S
(2012) Micro- to Macro-Scale Investigations of Manganese in Soil-Plant Systems
Herndon E, Kubicki J & Brantley S
(2011) Biogeochemical Characterization of Contaminant Mn Sequestration
Herndon E, Martinez CE, Eissenstat D & Brantley S
(2010) The Role of Biotic Cycling in Determining the Soil Residence Time of Industrial Pollutants
Herndon E & Brantley S
(2009) Impact of Aeolian Deposition on Mn Cycling in Soils
Herndon E, Jin L & Brantley S
(2008) Quantifying Aeolian Additions to Shale Hills Soils Through Analysis of Surface Manganese Enrichment
Herndon E, Jin L, Olsen A, Fantle M & Brantley S
(2007) Archaea and Bacteria in an Arsenic-Rich Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal System, Papua New Guinea
Amend J, Meyer-Dombard D, Akerman N, Osburn M, Herndon E, Garey J, Rubelman H & Wu T