All abstracts by Christophe Hémond in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Small-Scale Mantle Heterogeneities Revealed by Mid Ocean Ridge Cold SpotsVerhoest L, Hémond C, Cipriani A, Nonnotte P, Maia M & Brunelli D
(2021) Is Archean Sulfur Recycled in Plume Sources? New Observations at Pitcairn
Labidi J, Dottin J, Clog M, Hemond C & Cartigny P
(2019) Insight into a not Well Stirred Indian Ocean Mantle 60-50 My ago
Hémond C, Das P & Iyer S
(2018) Mantle Flow from beneath Antarctica Toward the Southeast Indian Ridge
Hanan B, Graham D, Hemond C, Briais A, Ceuleneer G, Maia M, Park S-H & Revillon S
(2017) Halogens and Water in MORB and OIB and the Origin of HIMU
Kendrick M, Hemond C, Kamenetsky V, Danyushevsky L, Devey C, Rodemann T, Jackson M & Perfit M
(2017) The GEISEIR Cruise: Sr, Nd and Trace Elements High Resolution of Mantle Signal beneath the Southeast Indian Ridge
Hemond C, Bollinger C, Hanan B, Graham D & Nonnotte P
(2014) Helium Isotopic Textures in Earth’s Upper Mantle
Graham D, Hanan B, Hemond C, Blichert-Toft J & Albarède F
(2012) Recycling of Crust in Proterozoic Convergent Margins: Evidences from Sm-Nd Isotopes and Trace Elements of Mafic-Ultramafic Plutonic Rocks from the Grenville Province
Constantin M, Hemond C, Sappin A-A, Montreuil J-F & Pik R
(2012) The Southeast Indian Ridge: Scale of Source Heterogeneity and Origin of the DUPAL Anomaly
Hanan B, Blichert-Toft J, Sayit K, Agranier A, Hemond C, Briais A, Maia M, Graham D & Albarade F
(2012) Lu-Hf Isotope Study of Mafic and Ultra Mafic Plutonic Rocks, Grenville Province
Cambrai E, Constantin M & Hemond C
(2011) An Unusual Hf-Pb Signature Below the East Pacific Rise – Mathematician Hotspot System
Mougel B, Agranier A, Hemond C & Gente P
(2011) A High-Resolution, Multi-Isotopic Study of Mantle Heterogeneity beneath the Southeast Indian Ridge: Preliminary Pb and Hf Results
Hanan B, Blichert-Toft J, Sayit K, Agranier A, Hemond C, Briais A, Maia M, Graham D & Albarède F
(2011) Stable Isotope (C-N) and Noble Gas (Ne-Ar) Evidence for Recycled Plume Components at the CIR
Barry P, Hilton D, Fueri E, Murton B, Hemond C & Dyment J
(2011) Origin of the Seamounts Near Futuna Island, SW Pacific
Labanieh S, Chazot G, Etoubleau J, Fouquet Y, Dosso L & Hemond C
(2011) New Isotopic Constraints on Amsterdam-St. Paul Hotspot Activity: Evidence for a Deep-Seated Mantle Plume and Implications for the DUPAL Anomaly Origin
Janin M, Hemond C, Maia M, Agranier A, Johnson K & Ponzevera E
(2011) Central Indian Ridge Versus Réunion Hotspot: Do Interaction Processes Account for on and off Axis Geochemical Observations?
Hemond C, Janin M, Murton B, Füri E, Hilton D & Dyment J
(2010) Heterogeneity in the Mantle Source of La Réunion Island
Smietana M, Bachèlery P & Hémond C
(2009) Ridge-Hotspot Interaction at the Central Indian Ridge, 20°S: New Helium Isotope Results
Füri E, Hilton D, Dyment J, Hémond C & Murton B
(2009) Nitrogen Isotopes and Plume-Ridge Interaction: The Central Indian Ridge and the Reykjanes Ridge
Barry P, Hilton D, Sano Y, Takahata N, Murton B, Füri E, Hemond C & Dyment J
(2009) Evidence for Ultra-Depleted Pb Isotopic Component in the Backarc Patagonian Mantle Wedge
Rivalenti G, Mazzucchelli M, Zanetti A, Hémond C & Cipriani A
(2009) Indian Ridges, Hotspots, Interaction: Réunion Central Indian Ridge and Amstersdam St Paul Southeast Indian Ridge Cases
Hémond C, Janin M, Maia M, Füri E, Hilton D, Murton B & Dyment J
(2008) Linking Erosion Rates and Climatic Variations in the Gulf of Lions, France: A Geochemical Approach
Revillon S, Berne S, Bayon G, Dennielou B & Hemond C
(2007) Different Origin for Mafic and Inter-Mediate/Felsic Lavas from Moorea Island (Society, French Polynesia)
Hemond C, Chauvel C, Maury R & Lewin E
(2007) Timescales of Melt Extraction from a Heterogeneous Mantle beneath the Central Indian Ridge at 19.2°S
Cordier C, Benoit M, Hémond C, Dyment J, Le Gall B & Briais A
(2006) The origin of E-MORB
Hofmann AW & Hémond C
(2002) Sr-Pb Isotopic Evidence for Plume-Ridge Interaction along the Central Indian Ridge
Nauret F, Abouchami W, Galer SJG, Hemond C & Hofmann AW
(2002) Central Indian Ridge and Reunion Hotspot in Rodrigues Area: Another Type of Hotspot – Ridge Interaction ?
Hemond C, Dyment J, Maia M & Gente P