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All abstracts by Eric Hegg in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Position-Specific Kinetic Isotope Effects for Nitrous Oxide: A New Expansion of the Rayleigh Model and its Application to Nitrous Oxide Source Tracing
Rivett ED, Ma W, Ostrom N & Hegg E

(2014) Using Stable Isotopes to Investigate Microbial H2 and N2O Production
Hegg E, Yang H, Kreuzer H, Moran J, Hill E, Gandhi H & Ostrom N

(2014) Isotopomer Analysis of Nitrous Oxide Produced by Cytochrome P450nor from Histoplasma capsulatum
Hegg E, Yang H, Gandhi H & Ostrom N

(2010) A Stable Isotope-Based Model of Intracellular Water Dynamics
Hegg E & Kreuzer H

(2010) Using Hydrogen Isotopes to Assess Proton Flux during Biological Hydrogen Production: Part 2
Moran J, Hill E, Hegg E & Kreuzer H

(2010) Using Hydrogen Isotopes to Assess Proton Flux during Biological Hydrogen Production: Part 1
Yang H, Kreuzer H, Shi L, Ostrom N, Gandhi H & Hegg E

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