All abstracts by Christoph Hauzenberger in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Two Stage Metamorphic Evolution of a Variscan Paragneiss Constrained by EPMA Monazite Dating and Zr-in-Rutile ThermometrySorger D, Hauzenberger C, Finger F & Linner M
(2015) Multiple Prograde Metamorphic History of UHP Granulites from the Moldanubian Zone – Revelation by Y+REEs Compositional Zoning in Garnets
Jedlička R, Faryad SW & Hauzenberger C
(2013) Lithospheric Mantle Heterogeneities beneath Southern Patagonia
Mundl A, Ntatflos T, Bjerg E, Ackerman L & Hauzenberger C
(2013) Delaminated Lithospheric Mantle and Exotic Metasomatism beneath East Russia
Ntaflos T, Aschchepkov I, Koutsovitis P, Hauzenberger C, Prikhodko V & Asseva A
(2008) Rapid Uplift of the Jwangeng Kimberlite, South Botswana: Caused by Mantle Metasomatism and Documented by OH-Diffusion Profiles in Garnet from Eclogitic Xenoliths (UNESCO IGCP 557)
Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K, Hauzenberger C & Gasharova B
(2007) Diamonds, Xenoliths and Kimberlites: A Window into the Earth's Mantle. UNESCO IGCP 557
Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K & Hauzenberger C
(2002) Experimental Investigations of Initial Melt Migration in Pelites
Wohlers A, Baumgartner L & Hauzenberger C