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All abstracts by Mark Hannington in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) The Role of Seafloor-Hydrothermal Activity as a Driver of Marine Anoxia
Davis Barnes B, Slack J, Hannington M, Planavsky N & Kump L

(2020) Subseafloor Alteration of a Modern Mafic-Volcaniclastic Hosted Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposit
Anderson M, Hannington M, McConachy T, Jamieson J, Hansteen T & Petersen S

(2020) The Influence of Wrench Tectonics on Submarine Volcanism in the NE Lau Basin (Tonga)
Norris-Julseth C, Anderson M, Rubin K, Haase K, Hannington M, Stewart M & Baxter A

(2014) Categorizing Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Algoma Type Banded Iron Formation, Temagami, ON
Ginley S, Diekrup D & Hannington M

(2012) Barite Precipitation in Submarine Hydrothermal Vents: Insights from Sr-Isotope Ratios
Engelbert M, Jamieson J, Cousens B, Williamson N & Hannington M

(2011) High Magnitude MIF-S due to Increased Atmospheric p(O2)
Kurzweil F, Hannington M & Strauss H

(2011) Venting History and Accumulation Rates of Hydrothermal Sulfide from the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
Jamieson J, Hannington M, Kelley D, Clague D & Holden J

(2005) Isotopic Disequilibrium in Sulfide Mineral Pairs from Multiple Sulfur Isotopes
Jamieson J, Wing B, Hannington M & Farquhar J

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