All abstracts by Robyn Hannigan in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) The Early Triassic Sulfur Isotope Curve of Seawater Sulfate from Marine Carbonates in the Neo-TethysStebbins A, Algeo T, Hart R, Krystyn L, Williams J, Brookfield M & Hannigan R
(2015) Paleoclimate Reconstruction of the Gulf of Maine during the Recent Holocene (Past 5000 Years) Using Archaeological Mollusk Shells
Johnston A, Bourque B, Oktay S & Hannigan R
(2015) Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Otolith Development in Larval Haemulon Chrysargyreum
Holmberg R, Wilcox-Freeburg E, Tlusty M, Rhyne A, Bourque B & Hannigan R
(2015) Determination of Larval Dispersal and Population Connectivity in the Blue Mussel Mytilus edulis along the Northern Gulf of Maine Using Trace Element Fingerprinting
Honig A, Etter R & Hannigan R
(2015) Environmental Life History Reconstruction of the Nantucket Bay Scallops Argopecten Irradians Using LA-ICP-MS to Determine Shell Geochemical Fingerprinting
Nye S, Oktay S & Hannigan R
(2015) Characterizing the End-Permian Mass Extinction in the Neo-Tethys Through Organic Geochemistry
Hart R, Stebbins A, Brookfeild M, Williams J & Hannigan R
(2014) Rare Earth Elements as a Proxy for Redox Conditions in Black Shales?
Williams J, Darrah T, Johnannesson K, Stebbins A & Hannigan R
(2012) Accounting for Post-Depositional Effects of a neo-Tethyan Permian-Triassic Section in the Himalayan Mountains
Williams J, Hannigan R, Basu A, Ghosh N & Brookfield M
(2009) The Incorporation of Gd in Human Bone from Medical Contrast Imaging
Darrah T, Poreda R, Campbel E, Prutsman-Pfeiffer J & Hannigan R
(2009) Validation of Line Scan Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Banded Iron Formations by LA-ICP-MS
Horton M, Basu A & Hannigan R
(2008) Line Scan Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Teeth, Otolith, and Banded Iron by LA-ICP-MS
Horton M, Gera S, Freeburg E, Basu A & Hannigan R