All abstracts by Cédric Hamelin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2012) A New Way to Look at Mantle Heterogeneities: Multiple Sulfur-Isotope on Pacific Antarctic RidgeLabidi J, Cartigny P, Hamelin C, Moreira M, Dosso L & Assayag N
(2012) Atypical Depleted Mantle Components at Mohns Ridge and along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Near the Azores
Hamelin C, Bezos A, Dosso L, Escartin J, Cannat M, Mevel C & Pedersen R
(2011) Contrasting Mantle Signatures along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (10-50°N)
Dosso L, Hamelin C, Hanan B, Thirlwall M & Silantyev S
(2011) A New Depleted Mantle End-Member Revealed by High Resolution Sampling along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Hamelin C, Bezos A, Dosso L, Escartin J, Cannat M & Mevel C
(2011) He-Pb Lead Evidence for Marble Cake Under the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
Moreira M, Hamelin C & Dosso L
(2010) Geochemical Portray of the Pacific Ridge Using Statistical Techniques
Hamelin C, Dosso L, Moreira M, Hanan B & Kositsky AP
(2007) Geochemical Segmentation of the Pacific Antarctic Ridge
Dosso L, Hamelin C, Hanan B, Moreira M & Barrat J-A
(2007) Li Diffusion and Isotopic Fractionation in Olivines Crystals
Hamelin C, Chaussidon M, Barrat J-A, Beck P & Bohn M