All abstracts by Mathilde Hagens in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Accounting for Migration Lags in Comparing Redundant CDR Measurements between Soil Elemental Mass Balance and Leachate-Collected Alkalinityte Pas EEEM, Chang ES, Hagens M & Marklein A
(2023) Can Combinations of Enhanced Weathering and Biochar Co-benefit Crop Productivity and Soil CO2 Sequestration?
te Pas EEEM, Comans RNJ & Hagens M
(2021) Is the CO2 Hunter a Green, Black or White Mineral?
te Pas E, Hagens M & Comans R
(2021) Field Trials of Enhanced Weathering Combined with Cotton Farming in Thessaly, Greece
Smet I, Evangelou E, Tsadilas C, Hagens M, Bijma J, Hartmann J, Steffens R & Paessler D
(2021) Field Trials of Enhanced Weathering Combined with Corn Farming in Germany
Bijma J, Smet I, Hagens M, Hartmann J, Steffens R & Paessler D
(2021) Quantifying CO2 Removal Through Enhanced Weathering: Grassland and pot Experiments
Hagens M, Hoosbeek M, Smet I, Bijma J, Hartmann J, Steffens R & Paessler D
(2017) Molybdenum Dynamics in Sediments of a Seasonally Hypoxic Coastal Marine Basin
Slomp CP, Sulu-Gambari F, Roepert A, Jilbert T, Meysman FJR & Hagens M
(2017) Post-Depositional Vivianite Formation Alters Sediment Phosphorus Records
Hagens M, Dijkstra N, Egger M & Slomp CP
(2015) Quantifying pH Dynamics in a Changing Ocean
Hagens M & Middelburg J
(2014) Using Carbon and Radium Isotopes to Evaluate the Biogeochemical Impact of Boundary Exchanges in the North Sea
Burt W, Thomas H, Hagens M, Brenner H & Pätsch J
(2010) Biogeochemical Dynamics in Salt Marsh Environments: The Role of Intertidal Hotspots
Hagens M & Meile C