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All abstracts by Lukkee Thorpe in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Assessing Inadvertent Trace Metal Mobilization during Distributed Stormwater Collection – Managed Aquifer Recharge: The Influence of Alternating Anoxic-Oxic Cycling and Carbon Availability
Maki BC, Thorpe L, Edwards NP, Aiken ML, Webb S, Fisher AT & Ying SC

(2024) Water Quality Trade-Off Considerations for Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge
Ying S, Maki BC, Thorpe L, Aiken ML & Fisher AT

(2023) Assessing Inadvertent Trace Metal Mobilization during Managed Aquifer Recharge: The Influence of Alternating Anoxic-Oxic Cycling and Carbon Availability
Maki BC, Thorpe L, Edwards NP, Webb S, Fisher AT & Ying S

(2023) Assessing Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Managed Aquifer Recharge Basins Undergoing Wet-Dry Cycling Column Simulations
Thorpe L, Rodriguez M, Vega M, Pinelo J, Maki BC, Fisher AT & Ying S

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