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All abstracts by Luca Tonietti in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Exploring Enceladus on Earth: The Case of the Strytan Shallow Water Hydrothermal System
Esposito M, Ferrara M, Tonietti L, Climent Gargallo G, Pacelli C, Giovannelli D & Cordone A

(2023) Ironborn: Fe Distribution in Geothermal Fluids and its Influence on the Biosphere
Barosa B, Tonietti L, Bastianoni A, Selci M, Cascone M, Oliva F, Bastoni D, Montemagno F, Ricciardelli A, Corso D, Correggia M, Di Iorio L, Barry PH, Bekaert DV, Halldorsson SA, Stefánsson A, Lloyd KG, Jessen G, Chiodi AL, de Moor M, Ramírez-Umaña C, Yucel M, Schrenk M, Rotundi A, Cordone A & Giovannelli D

(2023) Linking Microbial Metabolic Diversity with Geochemical Characteristics of Campania Region Hot Springs
Bastianoni AB, Selci M, Oliva F, Bastoni D, Barosa B, Cascone M, Correggia M, Di Iorio L, Corso D, Licata M, Migliaccio F, Montemagno F, Nappi N, Ricciardelli A, Tonietti L, Rotundi A, Caliro S, Cordone A, Pollio A & Giovannelli D

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