All abstracts by Kevin M. Rosso in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Advances in Computational Chemistry Simulations for Understanding Reactivity at Iron Oxide/Water InterfacesRosso KM
(2024) Uranium Reduction by Magnetite: Mechanism of UO2 Formation from EELS Analysis and Density Functional Theory Computations
Bartova B, Lagrange T, Pan Z, Leinders G, Bes R, Carbone J, Sassi M, Jacquemin N, Reinhold K, Rosso KM & Bernier-Latmani R
(2023) Evidence for a Dissolution-Reprecipitation Mechanism for Fe(II)-driven Ferrihydrite Recrystallization
Latta DE, Rosso KM & Scherer MM
(2023) Effects of Ni(II) and Zn(II) Substitution on Goethite Redox Potentials
Popejoy BD, Scherer MM, Latta DE, Rosso KM, Bylaska EJ, Ilton ES & Mergelsberg ST
(2023) Understanding Interfacial Properties Associated with Radiation Effects in Complex Nuclear Environments
Pearce CI, Prange M, Young L, LaVerne J, Orlando T, Kimmel G, Liu L, Nienhuis-Marcial ET, Mergelsberg ST, Lu L, Li S, Riechers S, Anovitz LM, Zhang X, Wang Z, Li X, Clark AE, Rosso KM & Schenter GK
(2023) Role of Dynamic Polarization Interactions in the Electrical Double Layer Structure at Calcite (104) Interfaces with Aqueous Solutions
Song D, Bylaska EJ, Rosso KM & Sushko M
(2023) Direct Visualization of X-Ray Enhanced Mineral Dissolution
Riechers S, Zhang X & Rosso KM
(2023) Understanding Oligomerization in Alkaline Sodium Aluminate Solutions Using Reactive Force Field Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Pouvreau M, Guo Q, Wang H-W, Nienhuis-Marcial ET, Graham TR, Schenter GK, Clark AE, Pearce CI & Rosso KM
(2023) The Complex Role of Ion Interactions in the Interfacial Reactivity of Gibbsite
Clark AE, Guo Q, Pouvreau M, Rosso KM, Stack AG & Yang X
(2023) Nanoscale Mineral/Contaminant Redox Reaction Processes: Impact on Oxyanion Contaminant Fate in Oscillating Anoxic Environments
Charlet L, Guida C, Poulain A, Ding R, Ramothe V, Papaslioti EM, Kirsch R, Fernandez-Martinez A, Scheinost AC, Greneche JM, Menguy N & Rosso KM
(2023) Directional Energy-Structure Relationship during Oriented Attachment of Gibbsite Nanoparticles
Ho T, Li X, Zhang X & Rosso KM