All abstracts by Pierre J-Y Maffre in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Sensitivity of Silicate Rock Weathering to Climate and Atmospheric CO2Goddéris Y, Pohl A, Maffre PJ-Y, Donnadieu Y, Schott J & Brantley S
(2023) Orbital Cycles and Cretaceous Anoxia: Perspectives from Earth System Modelling Approach
Maffre PJ-Y, Sarr A-C & Donnadieu Y
(2023) Seamount Subduction and Accretion Dynamics of the Franciscan Complex Revealed in the Snow Mountain Area (Northern California)
Bonnet G, Apen FE, Soret M, Maffre PJ-Y & Hacker BR
(2023) The Role of the Thickness of the Regolith Cover on the Earth Climate Stability
Goddéris Y, Maffre PJ-Y & Pohl A