All abstracts by Jacob A Mulder in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Microanalysis of Volcanic Matrix Tracks Melt Composition Across Space and TimeUbide T, Márquez A, Ancochea E, Huertas MJ, Herrera R, Coello Brazo JJ, Sanz Mangas D, Mulder JA, MacDonald A & Galindo I
(2023) Using Detrital Garnet Lu-Hf Geochronology to Study Subglacial Antarctica from Australian Shorelines
Verhaert S, Glorie S, Hand M, Milnes AR, Mulder JA & Halpin JA
(2023) Laser Ablation Lu-Hf Geochronology of Mafic Igneous Apatite and Detrital Apatite
Kharkongor MBK, Glorie S, Mulder JA, Kirkland CL, Chew DM & Kohn B
(2023) Tracing Granite-Hosted Mineralization via Zircon Metal Anomalies
Gardiner NJ, Hawkesworth C, Robb LJ, Mulder JA & Cawood PA