All abstracts by Alexander Kaspor in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Insights into the Metastability of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC): Microfluidic Experiments Combined with an AI-Assisted Toolbox for Quantifying Mineral TransformationsObaied A, Poonoosamy J, Peng H, Kaspor A, Bosbach D, Prasianakis N & Deissmann G
(2023) A Lab on a Chip Concept for Rationalizing Hydro-Geochemical Processes at the Pore Scale
Poonoosamy J, Lönartz MI, Ait-Mouheb N, Obaeid A, Yang Y, Kaspor A, Deissmann G & Bosbach D
(2023) Innovative Microfluidic Experiments for Investigating the Co-precipitation of Metals and Radionuclides with Carbonate Phases
Poonoosamy J, Kaspor A, Rudin S, Murphy GL, Bosbach D & Deissmann G