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All abstracts by Rich Crane in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Sustainable Biogenic Transformation of Iron from Industrial Waste to Magnetic Nanoparticles
Ullah S, Crane R & Byrne JM

(2023) Selective Leaching of Technology Metals Using Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents
Heathcote RRJ, Nash W, Hudson-Edwards KA & Crane R

(2023) The Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles for the Recovery of Metals from Anthropogenic and Environmental Waste
O'Neill K, Biswakarma J, Crane R & Byrne JM

(2023) Arsenic Speciation and Evolution in Coastal Legacy Wastes
Onnis P, Burke IT, Gandy CJ, Jennings E, Crane R, Riley AL, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Hudson-Edwards KA

(2023) Ecotoxic Metal(Loid) Geochemistry and Mineralogy in Coastal Legacy Wastes
Onnis P, Riley AL, Gandy CJ, Jennings E, Crane R, Byrne P, Burke IT, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Hudson-Edwards KA

(2023) Long-Term Metal Flux and Concentration Behaviour in an AMD Affected Catchment
Jennings E, Comber S, Crane R, Hudson-Edwards KA, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Onnis P

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